What to do about stomach shelf? (Never been pregnant)

I’m 29, 5’2, and 135 lbs. as long as I can remember I’ve always had a very abrupt shelf of stomach fat, even when I was younger at a lower weight. I’ve recently lost about 15 lbs and planning to lose 15 more, but I want to look into ways that I can smooth out this stomach, as I think it’ll still be shaped like that at a lower weight. I actually wouldn’t mind having a little fat there if the shape wasn’t so sudden like an actual shelf.

I’ve never seen a body type like this among my peers and only found pictures of this kind of stomach on people who had c-sections before, but I’ve never been pregnant.

What could have caused this and what can I do about it? Corsets? Dry brushing? Surgery? Just keep losing weight until goes away?


@boynee This is me right now - I’m 5’2” 123/124 lbs wanting to get down to 112/115. It’s sooooooo hard to lose the last 10 😭
@wearethechristiangems I totally get your frustration with the "stomach shelf"! Focusing on a balanced diet, consistent exercise (including cardio and core work), and staying hydrated can help. If you're still not seeing results, it might be worth talking to a healthcare professional. Everyone's body is different, so be patient with yourself. Good luck!
@wearethechristiangems I have the exact same thing! I’m 5’6” and the lowest I’ve ever weighed as an adult was 102lb (I had a wild case of COVID and couldn’t keep anything down, it was NOT intentional!)

Even at 102lb I STILL had that shelf and the rest of my stomach was totally flat. That little blob of skin/fat/whatever it is was still just there! It sucks but in some ways it helped me cause I knew even if I got to a lower weight it wouldn’t matter.

So I’m focusing on building muscle and getting toned. It doesn’t go away but it looks less abrupt when I have more abs showing
Even at 102lb I STILL had that shelf and the rest of my stomach was totally flat. That little blob of skin/fat/whatever it is was still just there!

You just triggered a memory of an old show about plastic surgery. I don't remember what the show was called, if it was just an episode of True Life on MTV, or what, but it was back in the early 00s.

A woman got that little blob of fat removed, and I recall she was pretty skinny. I remember the plastic surgeon saying it was common for women to collect fat there, and it could be hard to remove naturally. It was the first time I heard someone say how normal it was to not have a completely flat stomach.
@wearethechristiangems I think you can try doing true high intensity interval training. Like a RPE of 11! 30 seconds or less of work followed by 2-3 min of rest. The work could be on a bike or running up the stairs etc. The intensity is key!