What weight should I use for my first kettlebell(s)? (m/1.79m/80kg/untrained)


New member
Hello everyone!

The more I read about the right weight for my first kettlebell(s), the more uncertain I become. That's why I'd rather ask for individual advice here.

About me: I am 1.79m and weight 80kg. After a very long absence from sport, I have now started exercising again and am looking for the right kettlebells. I have no lifting experience. I can do 3x10 push-ups and 3 chin-ups with a narrow grip, if that tells you anything.

I often read that beginners are well equipped with a 16 kg kettlebell. In other places I read that two different ones are recommended.

Now I could get a used one with 20kg pretty cheap. I could even afford a second one. Which weight would you recommend as second kettlebell?

Or should I just get one with 16 kg?

Edit: I'm on a super low budget. Max I could afford would be the used 20kg (40€) plus one additional.

Edit2: Thanks a lot for all your input! I bought a 16kg and the 20kg kettlebell.
@chanteuserose Thanks for your suggestion, but I'm on a super low budget. I could get the used 20kg cast iron for only 40€ from a neighbour and would have some money left for one more with a different weight.
@ouznini The 20kg will be useful for a while. Get that one since it's cheap, and see if you can press, push press or jerk it.

If you can do that, it's a viable weight. At that point you don't have to get anything lighter. It'd be perfectly fine to just start out with that one and see whether you want to fill in above or below.

There's a chance you'll need a 16kg, or maybe even a 12kg - but if that's the case, the 20kg can still serve you well for swings, goblet squats, rows, deadlifts and carries.
@ouznini 16kg is perfectly fine for someone your size who hasn't done weight training before. Depending on how you react to training you may need to go up to 20 soon-ish, but you don't know that until you try and it's always good to have lower weights around.

If you can afford it, get an adjustable. If not, get a 16kg.
@ouznini A 16k is a good starting weight. You may be able to find a trainer who can help you with the basics and also allow you to try a few different weights as well. You would get the basics bus of learning proper form right off. Good luck and enjoy!
@ouznini If budget is most important, get the 20kg.

It might be too heavy at first for some movements, but you can train around that.

For example, if one hand swings are too difficult, just do two hand swings.

You'll want to work up to being able to press it overhead. If it's too difficult, you can practice jerks or even find a dumbbell or something else to press to build up strength.

Ideally, start with a 16kg and trade it up as you outgrow it.

Long-term the adjustables are the best value but sounds like those are out of reach for now.