Should I start lifting weights and doing body recomp while I’m still obese or wait until I lose a good portion of the weight?

@indent For me id always say do both. Start light. Start easy. The thing is by adding muscle - even if you cant SEE it due to too much padding - that it is metabolically active and so more muscle will see you need more calories. This in turn slowly makes losing fat that bit easier. It means you get ro eat a bit more long term which as petites we need all the help we can get there!!
That said be warned you may or may not see huge progress on the scales for a bit depending how your body responds. But you should still see it in the fit of clothes. Building muscle will have you looking better at a higher weight. And the variation will help stop you getting so sick of what you are doing and wanting to bail (that said i alternate days and still bail sometimes 😂)
For me my weight dropped initially but now stagnant but hubby (not very observant) has flipped out about how much smaller my waist got. So for him to notice its significant change! Which means i must be killing some visceral fat and thats always a good thing!
@indent At a higher weight, you can go into a deficit without recomp. One piece of advice I'd give any beginner, regardless of start weight, is that if you do plan to weight train, I start teaching yourself mind muscle connection with body/light weights. It's honestly taken me a full year to learn to feel my back muscles and learn how to engage my glutes properly, that way when you're ready to start adding more weight, you'll be super effective.
@indent I’m 5’2 and 165 lb. I get 10k steps about 5-6 days a week and I do 20-30 mins yoga 5-6 days a week for now.

My goal right now is to get to 150 lb and then I will think about weights.
@indent So im a noob and I’m in my last few weeks of a straight up bulk, and honestly it raised my confidence a ton O recommend! I weigh the same but I have so much more muscle now than when I started. Usually if you’re overweight, « bulking » is actually recomping.

In going straight into a bulk, you learn how to eat enough protein while not starving in a deficit, you build muscle which will increase your metabolism in the long run, and if you’re newish to to the gym, your body will recomp to an extent especially if you don’t eat too much above maintenance. That’s really the key!
@indent You can make pretty quick beginner gains that will be useful for forming muscle memory for your entire life. I would say start now. You can lift weights or use resistance bands or body weight. All will be effective but look into proper form. It helps to have a knowledgeable person check your form to avoid injury.
@indent Just doing calorie restriction to lose weight will result in loss of muscle. Better to start lifting, prioritize protein in your nutrition, and lose weight slowly.

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