@lovely_krystal86 I do the opposite, start with 8 reps after warmup, then 10 and 12+ last to failure. Or start with 8, then 10 10 something like that. Always the same weight or sometimes I go heavier but I mantain the reps from the last set (Hit 8/10/12 last week, next one more weight 8/8/10 or 8/10/~10).
The other day I was hitting 2 sets of 110x7 strict OHP and I got kinda tired of being suck for a month there so I put a 1rm strict 132x1 in between and got it (rage induced 1rm, 2 weeks prior the same weight crushed me). The weird thing is I did a 4th set of 110x7 after that to test the drop off and no changes wtf (shoulders got some DOMS next day lol).
BTW I do FB x3 a week with everything supersetted, I have to be careful with my fatigue management otherwise I can loss a lot of time resting between supersets.
I don't know if it's good or bad this way of training but at least I can push extremely hard on the last set (I even add one extra set in good days). I know volume is lacking but at least I don't have to worry about injuring myself.
I repeat, I don't go lighter in the last sets I do same reps, more reps or I go heavier. If I go heavier I have a drop off in reps (Example: Flat bench 154x8 last set but I want one more so I go 158x6/7/8 depending of fatigue).