Whats your normal rep drop off between sets? Does it change for each exercise? Interested to hear if this varies for different people

@lovely_krystal86 Sometimes I get better performance on my 2nd or even 3rd set(leg extensions for example).

Now I'm always trying to be well rested between sets... 3 minutes or so.

But if my subsequent sets drop off too much and it's like my 3rd or 4th set, I'll call it for that particular exercise

If it's my 2nd set and it drops off than I'll drop the weight a bit for my next sets as that mean I was using a load too heavy for me at the time.
@stonewater If it’s in terms of bodybuilding aka hypertrophic goals then it’s redundant since you should be resting “long” so you have as little intra-workout fatigue affecting your performance as possible
@lovely_krystal86 I’d say depending on the exercise I only drop 1-2 reps, doing about 12-16 reps. Taking longer rest usually fixes the issue, but usually I am able to get the same amount of reps until failure each set. I take roughly 4 minute rests in between each set although if I rush it with a 2 minute rest I’ll get 3-4 less reps.
@lovely_krystal86 Exercises later in the session can experience more drop off…This is prolly why there are recommendations for total volume/sets per workout. You’re just tired…
Biggest factor is probably how hard the set before was pushed.
@lovely_krystal86 Mainly comes down to rest in between sets. If I give it 2-5 mins it’s only like a drop off of one rep depending on the lift. If I only rest 1-2 mins it’s like 3-5 also depending on the lift.
@lovely_krystal86 The more "fast twitch" you are, the more drop off you will get. Or, the more "slow twitch" you are the more reps you can do in your subsequent sets. These are regardless.

Yes, if you train harder during a set, you will get less reps the 2nd. You will also get less reps if you don't rest as long. :)
@lovely_krystal86 Some like Jeff nippard advocate only pushing the last set to failure. 1st set RPE 8, second set RPE 9, last set RPE 10. Reps would never really drop off that way. But you are still getting effective reps.

Many ways to skin a cat
@lovely_krystal86 I do the opposite, start with 8 reps after warmup, then 10 and 12+ last to failure. Or start with 8, then 10 10 something like that. Always the same weight or sometimes I go heavier but I mantain the reps from the last set (Hit 8/10/12 last week, next one more weight 8/8/10 or 8/10/~10).

The other day I was hitting 2 sets of 110x7 strict OHP and I got kinda tired of being suck for a month there so I put a 1rm strict 132x1 in between and got it (rage induced 1rm, 2 weeks prior the same weight crushed me). The weird thing is I did a 4th set of 110x7 after that to test the drop off and no changes wtf (shoulders got some DOMS next day lol).

BTW I do FB x3 a week with everything supersetted, I have to be careful with my fatigue management otherwise I can loss a lot of time resting between supersets.

I don't know if it's good or bad this way of training but at least I can push extremely hard on the last set (I even add one extra set in good days). I know volume is lacking but at least I don't have to worry about injuring myself.

I repeat, I don't go lighter in the last sets I do same reps, more reps or I go heavier. If I go heavier I have a drop off in reps (Example: Flat bench 154x8 last set but I want one more so I go 158x6/7/8 depending of fatigue).