What's your workout plan for the week??


New member
First off, so glad to finally find a community of women to talk about fitness/health. I'm 5'7, started at 185 at my heaviest... currently teetering right at 150 (it's gonna happen this week!) and my goal is 130. Well, one top of being in the best DAMN shape of my life.

Anyway, I'm a planner and have found that if I don't plan out my week of workouts, something always falls through the crack. Plus, I get bored easily so I need variation Just thought it would be cool to see what other's are planning! Here's my week :

M - 100 flights of stairs w/ leg and ab workout
T - Orange Theory
W - 60 min barre class (after my massage....)
R - 5 mile run
F - Orange Theory

My new goal for the summer is to get ONE weekend day workout in a week. This is a constant battle for me...
@pjfl Monday: run 5k

Tuesday: Pilates

Wednesday: run 5k

Thursday: FitnessBlender strength for at least 45 mins

Friday: run 5k

Saturday: Bodyweight routine

Sunday: run at least 1 mile
@pjfl I'm suchhh a planner! I live on a lake that just so happens to be a perfect 5k run, so I work out around it all the time (and so does the rest of the city haha)

Sunday: Lake run & stairs

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: 60min circuit weight class & foam roll

Wednesday: Early morning lake run

Thursday: Aqua resistance & aerobics class

Friday: Early morning lake run

Saturday: Pilates
@pjfl I love to plan my workouts! I'm attached at the hip to my day planner, and it's filled with sticky notes of exercise plans for each day. Helps me kill time at work. ;)

My schedule has been very much the same for weeks now:

Monday: Lifting - lower body

Tuesday: C25K run

Wednesday: Lifting - upper body

Thursday: C25K run

Friday: Rest

Saturday: C25K run

Sunday: Recovery cardio (~60 minutes of cycling or incline walking)
@pjfl Monday- rest day (spent sunday prepping a wall to paint)
Tuesday - Leg day + Boxing bootcamp
Wednesday - Arm day + Boxing bootcamp
Thursday - Leg day + Boxing bootcamp
Friday - Arm day + Boxing bootcamp
On the weekends I usually go hiking but I'll be working on a mural
@pjfl Ohhh this is super interesting to read through! Makes me want to be better about planning ahead. Here's what my week should look like:

M: Physical therapy exercises + deadlifts (barbell & single-leg w/ kettle bells)
T: Crossfit + possibly a 1-2 mi run (running to the gym & back)
W: Lyra (aerial hoop) class - making my boyfriend try Lyra for the first time!
Th: Crossfit
F: Aerial silks class
Sa: Open gym time at either the Crossfit gym or aerial studio, or rest
Su: Open gym or rest

I also find it difficult to plan and stay motivated over the weekends. I add all the open gym time slots to my calendar, but it's so easy to skip them in favor of homework or brunch or simply.... Sitting. I also need to add some yoga into this mix and come up with a more regular lifting/body weight routine outside of my Crossfit and aerial classes.
@n9070 I agree about the weekends! It's the hardest for me... .although I usually have more free time, it's harder to get myself motivated to workout. During the week, it's just part of my day!!
@pjfl Monday: 5x3 squats, also shoulders, chest, triceps

Wednesday: 2x3 squats, back, biceps

Friday: 1x3 squats, legs

In this program I squat three times a week, I'm hoping to get my PR up significantly! I "only" lift three times per week. I do some core work in every lifting session, and spend time foam rolling and stretching between lifting days. I have pretty much the same schedule every week, only thing that varies is my lifting program.

Other activities include walking or biking to places and playing outside with my daughter.
@pjfl I have the same schedule for every week - it kind of revolves around my Roller derby schedule and my aim is generally to burn out as hard as possible on my rest day.

Monday - Lindsay Kaye Miller Chest/Shoulders

Tuesday - Roller Derby Practice (2 hours)

Wednesday - Lindsay Kaye Miller Back Day

Thursday - LKM Leg Day

Friday - LKM Bis/Tris

Saturday - Roller Derby Practice (2 hours cardio)

Sunday - Nap day
@pjfl This is my plan for every week:
  • Monday: run club (5+ K)
  • Tuesday: BodyPump
  • Wednesday: Dodgeball
-Thursday: BodyPump and/or softball (softball doesn't really work out to be much exercise at all)
  • Friday: Off (sometimes I run)
  • Saturday: Run club (5+ K)
  • Sunday: Off (sometimes I will run or do bodypump, but only when I feel like it)
@not_a_unicorn I play softball on Wednesdays and completely agree.... it's not much of a workout - I either have to workout before or consider it a half rest day.
@not_a_unicorn Me too! ha ha ha. We have a game tomorrow night and my boyfriend is out of town (it's a team with his coworkers) and I don't plan on going without him.....
  • Monday - 1 mile sprint, CrossFit WOD
  • Tuesday - Wendler 531 Bench and accessory work, 5 mile run at moderate pace
  • Wednesday - Wendler 531 Squat Day and glute accessory work, CrossFit WOD
  • Thursday - Rest day! Massage and pedicure!
  • Friday - Wendler 531 Strict Press day and shoulder accessory work, CrossFit WOD
  • Saturday - 5K race day!
  • Sunday - "Clovis" hero WOD - 10 mile run, 150 burpee pull-ups
@ashla I love your rest day.... Wednesday may turn into that for me... I have a massage scheduled and was just thinking about getting a pedicure...
@pjfl I am just getting started and this is my plan right now! I am thinking I will likely have to adjust this depending on how my progress goes.

Monday: 45 min cycling
Tue: Stronglifts and 30 min light swim
Wed: 45 min cycling
Thurs: Stronglifts and yoga
Friday: Swim
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Stronglifts and yoga
@pjfl I just changed my program for the summer, I'm going to focus on yoga much more.
  • Mon: Yoga, HIIT run
  • Tue: Yoga, HIIT run
  • Wed: Lifting (full body)
  • Thu: Yoga
  • Fri: Lifting (full body)
  • Sat: Running, biking, anything I can do outdoors
  • Sun: Rest
I also do yoga/stretching every morning.