What's your workout plan for the week??

@pjfl Monday: 12 crossfit / 4 Candito w1d1 / 7 Olympic lifting

Tuesday: 9 Candito w1d2 / 3 swim / 6 crossfit

Wednesday: 12 crossfit / 7 Olympic lifting

Thursday: 9 candito w1d3 / 3 swim

Friday: 12 crossfit / 4 candito w1d4

Saturday: 9 Olympic lifting / 11 bike ride / 4 candito w1d5

Candito days vary based on the cycle, crossfit days vary based on where I'm at in the cycle, and swimming/hiking/biking happens when I need to shake things out. Eating and sleeping is vital to recovery!
@pjfl Today & Wednesday: Run and/or swim if possible (not much of a goal, just some things I want to do more, and both of them are outside so weather holds a lot of hold over these), also work on pull ups

Tuesday & Thursday: Stronglifts

Friday: Rest (probably gonna be driving most of the day, and visiting my friends)

Saturday: Either Stronglifts again or test 1RM to win a Fitocracy challenge

Sunday: Rest (driving again probably)
@pjfl I totally agree! I have it all on my calendar and it really helps! Here's my week:

Monday: Ice Cream workout A (weights)
Tuesday: Yoga and a 30 minute run
Wednesday: Ice Cream workout B
Thursday: Yoga and 30 minute run
Friday: Ice Cream workout A
Saturday: Yoga and 45-60 minute run
Sunday: Rest
@pjfl My goal is to do the 7 day slim down for the last week of the tone it up bikini series. Now, the last two months have been SHIT (work and personal life imploding) and while I e been working out semi regularly I don't have a groove at all.

The plan this week is to be really on point with meals, and two work outs a day. This morning I did a run, so tonight I think I'll do a tone it up video.

The rest of the week I'll do a physique 57 routine in the morning, then hit the gym after work for some low impact cardio.

I've gone from 160 at the end of April to 144 right now. At 5'4" I feel my best when I'm down around 125. I have some great breakup momentum right now, a suddenly clear schedule, and strong motivation to get back into the shape I was in 2 years ago when I loved my body. LETS GO TEAM!
@yurtal How do you like the Tone It Up stuff?? I have thought about incorporating that into my mornings.... like a short wake up workout - I feel like I need that little extra to get myself to my goal!

Break up motivation is the BEST! Use it!
@pjfl I love the idea of a morning booty call! Even if I don't do a full workout, starting my day with a quick run or even just a 15 minute mini blast really has changed how I approach fitness. Their nutrition advice is also really accessible and lifestyle friendly. What they don't advertise is that both Karena and Katrina are very well educated. They have science degrees in health and nutrition and exercise science. There is also a third tone it up girl who is 100% behind the scenes who is a registered dietician. I always felt like They were just personalities without much behind what they said, but when I learned a bit more it made a big difference in my trust of their program.

Basically, tone it up is about those morning workouts, eating small, nutritious satisfying meals (5 meals a day) and making the best you with a variety of workouts and fun. I don't follow their plan even like 60% because of things, but even that 60% has made a big difference twice in my life. Hoping to make it stick this time because it really is how I want to look and feel. I was very fit for 25 years, and the last 5 have been a roller coaster. I'm tired of that.
@yurtal Morning booty call! I love just the name! :) Do you subscribe to their stuff or do free things they offer?

I think I need to reincorporate this into my life. For awhile I was getting up and doing 15 minutes of yoga each morning and it made SUCH a difference in my attitude. I'm NOT a morning person and it helped to wake me up a little bit while not being too intense right away. I just signed up for 6 months of Barre3 and they have a TON of 10 minute videos... maybe that's just what I need in the morning.
@pjfl I did the free things for 2 years, and it was awesome, but I was really bad with my nutrition and I am in a battle with my BC and I gained like 35 lbs in the last year. So i bought the nutrition plan from them this spring and it was much better than I thought it would be. I'd heard super mixed reviews. I'm not sure its worth SO much money, but that was part of my committment to it. Like, I spent the money, I should use the resources.

Their workouts- both the free and the DVDs are great. I just did a 10 minute boxing HIIT video from them and it was a nice way to jumpstart the morning. They're content creators so there's always new stuff. There's a bunch you can do anywhere, and a bunch that need some minimal equipment so its still flexible.

I also have a Physique 57 subscription (best barre ever OMG i die every time) and a gym membership that I like to use for afternoon or friday/sat night workouts (so empty!). Can you see where I'm investing my money right now? lol. If you're on instagram just start following the #tiuteam hashtag and see what the girls are doing.
@yurtal Awesome! I flit around all the time with different workout subscriptions so I completely understand. At any given time I do Orange Theory, hot yoga, have a regular gym membership, barre online, etc etc etc. Keeps me from getting bored and I hope keeps my body from hitting a plateau cause there is always something different going on.
@pjfl if you're in a city with Class Pass, then I highly recommend it. Its $100/month I think for unlimited classes in all the studios (like all of them!) in the area. I don't use it cause theres not enough in my area, but my friends in LA use it. You max out at i think 3 classes a month or week in each studio, but if you like changing it up then its a great option.
@pjfl I'm doing 5/3/1 with bodybuilding accessory work... I'm the same that if I do not have a set plan I will fail.

Monday: Overhead press 5/3/1 and Shoulder/bicep work. So that's DB press, lateral raises (the worst), bb curls and preacher curls

Wednesday: Deadlift 5/3/1 and back: bb row, lat pulldown, good mornings, hanging leg raises

Friday: Bench 5/3/1 and chest/triceps: Dips, flyes, tricep push down, push ups

Weekend: yoga and 5/3/1 squat with lower body work: leg press, leg extension, leg curls, and ab rollouts. The most painful day by far..

I love this workout so far! It's been a while since I've done a split and focused on the big lifts- I've been doing full body workouts for about 5 months. Here's Wendler's article on it if anyone's interested: http://www.jimwendler.com/2012/09/531-and-bodybuilding/
@pjfl I usually plan out my workouts as well - put it in my phone calendar for reminders and everything :)

Sunday - lifting (including pull-up training)
Monday - lifting (including pull up training)
Tuesday - stairs at work and pull up training
Wednesday - barre class
Thursday - sunrise run and SUP yoga (first time)
Friday - rock climbing (also first time)
Saturday - "asstastic" - bum focused class

I gotta fit in a few more pull up training days in there - but I don't knew when. They are super short but 5 days/week. It's already a busy week with kids and birthdays. I'll figure it out :)
@pjfl MWF I do strong lifts. I try to go in the morning at 4am, but if that doesn't work out, I go in the evenings. On Saturday and Sunday, I do boxing and abs. If I feel up to it, after stronglifts I'll do abs sometimes.