What's your workout plan for the week??

@pjfl M- 1mi run + BBG

Tu- Track workout (4 miles including warm up + cool down)

W- 2 mi run + BBG

Th - 4 mile run

F- 1 mi run + BBG

Sa - Will probably find a 5k race, or run ~5-8 miles.

Su- rest

I currently have a brace on my wrist, so I'm focusing on training for a HM and less on weights/BBG.
@pjfl I really like BBG. I'm on my third round now, but its always taken me more than 12 weeks to finish 12 weeks of workouts. I used BBG before I had a gym membership to get into a routine of working out and I had some great results. I'm trying to get back into it now because I felt like I wasn't seeing results with starting strength.
@pjfl Monday: 4x6 squats and bench at 70%, 5x8 deadlift at 70%, run 1-2 miles

Tuesday: 5x3 squats and bench at 80%, shit ton of accessories, run 1-2 miles

Wednesday: hopefully a run, maybe just a rest day

Thursday: 5x8 squat and bench at 65%, 5x3 deadlifts at 85%, run 1-2 miles

Friday: 3x1-2+AMRAP at 90% for squat and bench, accessories, run 1-2 miles

Saturday: Hike if I can find somebody to go with.
@pjfl Monday: 90 min random cardio (pm)
Tuesday: 45 min lift (am), 45 min elliptical (pm)
Wednesday: 45 min kettlebell/abs (am), 45 min inclined treadmill (pm)
Thursday: 45 min lift (am), 45 min yoga (pm)
Friday: rest, light walk to keep blood flowing

I have a lot of time on my hands this week
@pjfl M-upper body power; T-Lower body power; W-chest and arms Hypertrophy; TH-back and shoulders; F-lower body HT; Saturday-HIIT and walk until my mom is out of yoga; Sunday- deadlift and stair stepper for 30min. Also running with my friend MWF in the evening. Gonna help her get to a 5k!
@pjfl Monday (today): rest day (got a new tattoo- no sweating yet!)

Tuesday: Matt Disbrow heavy bench day with slingshot work and bodybuilding accessories

Wednesday: rest day

Thursday: GZCL Rippler squat day with rdl work and bodybuilding accessories

Friday: rest day

Saturday: (AM) Tonto Natural Bridge hike; (PM) Matt Disbrow light bench day with several bench accessories and then bodybuilding accessories

Sunday: GZCL Rippler deadlift day with front squat work and bodybuilding accessories
@pjfl Following the classic P90x routine, with some extras/replacements thrown in:

Monday - Chest & Back, Abs

Tuesday - Hiking on local trail (I hate Plyometrics)

Wednesday - Shoulders & Arms, Abs, OR Pole dancing class

Thursday - Yoga (If I'm too tired, I'll just use it as a rest day)

Friday - Legs & Back, Abs

Saturday - Rest Day

Sunday - Hiking
@pjfl M- cardio + weightlifting legs
T- cardio
W- cardio + kettlebells with upper body focus
Th- cardio + kettlebells with lower body focus
F- cardio
S- cardio + weightlifting upper body (really looking forward to snatches this week!! They've gotten so much more fun to do!)
S- lazy lazy lazy
@piratelady A fellow KB enthusiast! How long have you been using them? I've seen massive improvement, just with my swings and squats. Still working on my snatch form (bruises on my wrists :( ).
@ilovegod2011 Around 4 years now, I was NOT good with them for a long long time. I finally figured out the swing around 1.5 years ago and have recently (with the help of my trainer ) nailed down cleans and snatches! I was trying to turn a swing into a clean or a snatch and it was banging my wrist. Now I know to use the hips to help create moment but keep the bell close to my body. It's hard sometimes. still swings out sometimes, but I've been able to increase the weight more in the past two months than I was about to the other years!

They are tricky! And I watched SO many videos that taught me the wrong thing :-/
@pjfl Monday- 5/3/1 squats w BBB deadlifts
Tuesday- 5/3/1 bench w BBB OHP and accessory work
Wednesday- rest day w mobility work
Thursday- 5/3/1 deadlifts w BBB squats
Friday- 5/3/1 OHP w BBB bench and accessory work
Saturday- accessory work and maybe a compound lift to practice form
Sunday- rest day
@pjfl Yeah girl! You're more than halfway to your goal and that's awesome!

My weekly workout routine currently looks like:

Mondays: legs and core

Tuesdays: back and shoulders

Wednesdays: chest and arms

Thursdays: legs and core

Fridays: back and shoulders, cardio

Saturdays: chest and arms, cardio

Sundays: rest/light yoga

Not as varied as I'd like it to be, but once my workload lets up I'd like to pick up a belly dancing class or try out Orange Theory. :)

Edits cos I don't know how reddit formatting works woo.
@lovely_lisa Thanks! The closer I get to my goal, I swear the harder each pound is.

You really should try Orange Theory - I love it. It is expensive though which to me is the one downfall, but it keeps me accountable because I don't want to waste it!
@pokerstarscafe I kinda lump together my glute workouts on my legs and core days! My full leg/core days include back squats (or bulgarian split squats if I can't get to a squat rack), romanian deadlifts, step-ups, russian twists, planks (RKC, side, reverse), glute bridges (and one-legged glute bridges), clamshells, and glute kickbacks.

Just kinda cherrypicked some things from Strong Curves so it isn't the most efficient set of exercises but it works for me for now. :) Once you do iron out your program kinks I'd love to hear what you come up with!
@pjfl Monday - (PM) 5/3/1 squats

Tuesday - (AM) 20 min HIIT, (PM) 5/3/1 overhead press

Wednesday - (AM) 20 min HIIT, pull-up work

Thursday - (PM) 5/3/1 deadlift

Friday - (AM) pull-up work, squat work (heavy partial reps)
@luccamanamune My HIIT is generally treadmill-based. I like setting it at an incline and doing sprints 30-60 seconds on, 60-90 seconds off. Sometimes I'll set it at the max incline and walk for 20 or 30 minutes. Great training for the long hikes I just did on my roadtrip through Montana :)