Where Do I Even Start?

@_youngboolingbhris_ You're not alone!

I think what makes this so hard is the WAITING to see results. Wouldn't it be great if it were like cleaning, or applying makeup, and you could just work out for an hour and look amazing?

Just stay with it. Keep incorporating more movement, more healthy foods and habits, fewer unhealthy foods and habits. Do it more and more. And KNOW that it WILL work.

It's almost an act of faith. But it's not. Just hang in there and keep putting one foot in front of the other.
@_youngboolingbhris_ The Half Size Me podcast was recommended by someone in this subreddit and has some really good advice about figuring out a plan for yourself and making sure what you are doing is something you could potentially do for the rest of your life so that it can be sustainable. She talks to guests and they describe how they wish they would have just made those small changes even knowing the results would be slower instead of yoyoing between loss and gain so many years. It is really hard to keep faith that the progress is happening. If you have an iPhone something like the happy scale app might help you get past weight fluctuations to see your trends. Try some different exercises and keep doing the ones you enjoy that fit into your life. I strength train at the gym but hate doing cardio unless it's a group class or walking. Also is there someone that you would enjoy doing any exercise with that would also be consistent? Outside of having a trainer attending group classes with the "regulars" helped me feel more accountbility. Remember this feeling now and then take note of the feeling after different activities and after different meals. Keep up with what makes you feel good.
@_youngboolingbhris_ If you don't think that calorie counting would be triggering to you, I HIGHLY recommend counting macros + getting started with strength training. But know that you can do lots of workouts, but if your nutrition isn't right, you won't see the same types of results you could.

You could do some search online - Instagram, YouTube, etc. and get a macro coach. missfitandnerdy & petite power (April Whitney) are good places to start.