Where to start my weight loss journey?


New member
I used to be much larger. I was 306 pounds and not healthy. I got tired of it and decided to change. I got into power lifting and cut down to 235. At that point, my all time PR lifts happened at my lowest weight. Did Keto religiously as well as H.I.I.T Training 3-5 times a week when lever I lifted. All of this happened over the course of 3 years.

Fast forward 2 years.

Lost motivation entirely. I got very sick for about a month. It’s not a good excuse, but I couldn’t lift and had a respiratory infection and I was out of commission. Since then I quit lifting almost entirely. Aside from maybe once a month out of guilt, I haven’t been lifting or dieting and I’m currently back up to 295 pounds.

My question is this-

What do you all recommend to get back in it? Any good studies or resources I can check out to just cut weight like crazy? I’m mostly looking for a strict diet plan. I feel like I need a drastic change to really do anything. I enjoy cooking so that’s not an issue if I need to cook. Thanks for reading, I’ll take any help I can get.