Why is 60 minutes classes the standard? 90 minutes classes would be much more efficient


New member
I've travelled quite a bit in the last few months and had the chance to train in perhaps 7? different boxes. I mostly do open gym (HWPO) but sometimes will join a class.

Now, I understand that most people are no necessarily for performances and/or crazy improvements. However, I just feel like normal 60 minutes classes are not efficient timewise.

A 90 minute class is only 50% more time but expected "yield" is close to 100% more results.

Normal classes

0-3 (if it starts on time) = Coach explain the warmup, strength/skill and WOD.

3-5 = people get ready for warmup

6-12 = warmup

13-14 = transition from warm-up to skill

15-17 = coach explain technique

18-20 = people grab weights/prepare station

21-35 = 3 to 6 series of reps.

Example 4x5 back squat @ 75% (2/3 series buildup)

36-37 = transitions

38-40 = coach explain wod and wod preparation

41-57 = WOD

58-60 = fist bumps & picking up weight

In the end, within those 60 minutes you had perhaps 5 minutes of exercise (Warm-up) ~3 minutes of muscle under heavy tension (strength) and another 15 minutes of exercise (Wod).

Out of the 60 minutes you are working/resting ~35 minutes/60 = ~58%

Also, how are you suppose to progress strength wise doing squat once a week for 4 series? C&J once a week ~4-5 series...


90 minutes class

0-3 (if it starts on time) = Coach explain the warmup, strength/skill and WOD.

3-5 = people get ready for warmup

6-12 = warmup

13-14 = transition from warm-up to skill

15-17 = coach explain technique

18-20 = people grab weights/prepare station

21-55 = 2 movements 3 to 6 series of reps.

  • 2x8 back squat @ 60%

    2x6 back squat @ 70%

    2x4 back squat @ 75%

    2x4 Power Clean @ 70%

    2x3 Power Clean @ 75%

    1x2 Power Clean @ 80%
56-57 = transitions

58-60 = coach explain wod and wod preparation

61-89 = WOD (or 2 short ones.. ~28 minutes)

89-90 = fist bumps & picking up weight

Within those 90 minutes you had perhaps 5 minutes of exercise (Warm-up) + 6-7 minutes of muscle under heavy tension (strength) + another ~28 minutes of exercise (Wod) + 10 minute deep stretch.

Basically by increasing the classes by 50% you gain 100% strength/skill time, ~80% more wod times. Also by having twice the amount of time in "skill/strength" this would give time to actually practice some useful skills.

Out of the 90 minutes you are working/resting ~70 minutes/90 = ~78%

However, you are doubling your working/resting time from 35 to 70 minutes just by increasing 30 minutes the class.

What do you guys think about 90 minutes classes instead of classic 60 minutes ones?

PS: English is my second/third language, sorry for the mistakes ^^
@bldssphq Sounds great in theory, but that 60 minute class doesn't exist in a vacuum. You have to get ready, drive to the gym, shower, get ready again, then move on with your day. I live only 2 miles from my gym and 60 minutes for me is about 90 minutes. I leave at 0615 and am home, showered, and dressed at 0800. If you increase the class to 90 minutes, a LOT of people just straight up won't have time to come at all. Only the most dedicated. And you can't run a business just catering to the most hardcore.
@nith It also isn't conducive to having more members if you're already overcrowded, you can't make classes longer.

My first gym circa 2011 had classes that were 60-minutes or sometimes at long as they take. It was great, 20-minute warn up, 10 minute metcon, 10 minutes mobility, then stuck around if you want. I felt like that was an effective use of my time and i was way more likely to go.

A lot of gyms try doing too much in the hour and i don't like strength and a metcon every day.
@james238 I do not understand why you are being downvoted. Cycling to and from the gym that is withing 3 miles if you have the extra five minutes is an awesome warmup cooldown.
@kt71 That comment sounds condescending imo. Knows nothing about the commenters situation, weather, biking infrastructure….it’s not like biking is some novel secret they couldn’t have thought of on their own
@phoenixofthesun24 It was just a suggestion my guy, the entirety of the fitness industry is in no way a secret but we all still pay someone else to suggest to us what we should do. Maybe that was the push for op to say "Ya know, I do have that bike in the basement." No need to ascribe malice or arrogance to it.
@phoenixofthesun24 I didn’t mean to be condescending at all. True, I don’t the their situation, but I’m pretty sure if they had the will they could find a way to bike 2 miles to CrossFit. Heck, even a warm-up jog would be good as well. I try encouraging as many people to bike as possible and that was my sole intent.
@kt71 Yeah, strange to get so many downvotes in a fitness related sub. You’d think suggesting active transportation would be better received here.
@nith Agreed, I would have a hard time committing to a 90 min class for all of the reasons you've already stated. I'm able to go in the mornings during the work week because they're only 60 mins - I can go without having to get up at 4am and still only start my work day about 15-20 mins late. People who want more will find their own way to get more without needing a 90 min class as the default. Would I go to a 90 min class if I had more time or perhaps on a weekend? Sure. But not realistic. My box also spaces class usually with at least 30 mins between classes anyway, and they don't kick anybody out - they encourage you to stay and stretch or work on skills until the next class starts.
@nith Add kids into the mix and a work commute. I work out 30 minutes because that’s all I have time/energy for, but I don’t waste my time at the gym. All supersets.
@bldssphq The counter arguments here are all great, and I came into this *sort of* agreeing with OP's premise. Until I read the comments, which take into account a lot of things that don't factor into my particular scenario. That said, this IS CrossFit and we're ignoring the other elephant in the room: the premise is 'short and intense'. 90 minutes is not short, and intensity cannot be maintained for 90 minutes.
@jacbar123 Heh. My gym once programed Grace with a 1mi run time trial after it. I went Rx even though it was a heavy weight for me at the time, because the time cap was like 10min. Everyone else finished in the normal 3-5min that you're supposed to do Grace in and had time to catch their breath before the run. I finished just under 9min and ran one of my worst miles ever 🤣

And yeah, I know I didn't meet the intended stimulus...I just wanted to see if I could do it 'cause I'd never done an Rx Grace before.

I can't imagine doing that and then having to do another WOD on top 😳
@flishflake86 That’s a great memory! Sometimes it doesn’t have to be about the stimulus, especially with benchmarks.

Yeah and exactly what I was trying to imagine. Grace and a 1mi run trial followed by…. Anything… you’re gonna have a bad time.