Is 2-3 minutes between sets too long? I keep getting rude looks from guys at the gym..

@superpanas what about working in with people? if someone is taking that time up while resting then it's perfectly acceptable to ask if you can work in with them and lift during their rest time.
@dawn16 True, but really difficult to do if you have weight or height mismatch. It would take me their entire rest period just to switch out weights or adjust heights on the rack. Its great if you're kinda close, but doesn't really work for everyone unfortunately.
@superpanas you can always ask them to do it or at least help you out. I have worked in with guys lifting a lot more than me, as well as my friend who is significantly taller, and with 2-3 people it really isn't that bad. plus the longer rest period = more time to change out weights etc.
@superpanas My sister and I used to share the squat rack. I'm 4 inches taller than her and significantly stronger. It took us about 30 seconds to reset everything. I moved and now she works out with a dude who is a full foot taller than her. If you work together, it really takes no time at all to adjust everything. Men do it for each other all the time. They can treat women the same way.
@dawn16 I think there's just not a lot of willingness for that kinda cooperation. The only time I've tried to share the guy expected me to take all of his stuff off and put my own on because he was resting. It's really great to share when you can though.
@superpanas This. OP, it's your right to take time between sets and do whatever you want with that time. Personally, I get annoyed when someone is using equipment and sits on their phone for 3-5 minutes between sets (even though I know the rest length is common for many routines), but that's because 1) I'm impatient, 2) I'm usually short on time, and 3) I super set with minimal rest time between sets so any resting seems long to me.

If it's really bugging you, call them out. Otherwise, ignore them or consider letting them use the equipment between sets (assuming this doesn't impede your workout)
@bharati21 Super sets are the best!! Highly recommend them for anyone wanting to get more accomplished in their designated workout time.

I work out at home (lift or yoga in AM, run in PM) and still do supersets because I have to get to work on time. If I had a full hour plus to fit in a bunch of rests, I'd probably just go for a run instead. (Also I suspect I might drift off if I tried long rest periods that early in the morning, haha.)
@1stbrownhorse No, this is not too much. In fact, resting anywhere from 3-5 minutes between heavy sets is more than acceptable. Strenth athletes do this as well.

You are not getting dirty looks because of the time you rest, you're getting dirty looks because you're on your phone. People love to play screen police especially towards young women, there is this weird noral high some people ride policing young women off their phones. I've noticed it as well in my gym before. The guys never get the same kind of energy from their fellow men either.

I say stay on your phone during your rest. You're not harming anyone and it wouldn't impact anyone differently if you stared straight in the air instead. I'm on my phone between sets too, because I log the weight and stats in my notes app and I can always tell when I'm getting a judgy look because someone is convinced I'm committing the crime of texting. Or worse, scrolling Instagram. If anyone ever comes up to me and says something about it, I'm dead set on telling them to fuck straight off.
@ronit this is it!! this happened to me! i was resting a normal amount between sets (1-2 minutes), scrolling on my phone in the interim and this man started berating me. i knew it was bullshit, so i kindly told him to fuck off.
@ronit Let's imagine a world where everyone literally stared, unblinkingly at the wall in between sets. We'd all look insane. And yet the patriarchy

This feels a little like that idea that women should be smiling all the time. We'd look insane, and yet
@ronit I also time each rest, so if anybody ever comes up to complain I can show them the count down from an extremely reasonable time.
@ronit I do scroll through instagram, text with my mom and make eyes at my husband who is doing his own thing across the gym. I'm gonna spend my 5 min between squats in whatever way i bloody well want. But I get it, I recently changed gyms to avoid this behavior from men, among others. The gym I go to now is a lot shabbier but has a much nicer clientele and a pool. God I've missed swimming so damn much. Def the right choice.

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