Why you should pay attention to your Menstrual Cycle as a woman - A breakdown of "The Women's Book Vol 1" by Lyle Mcdonald /w Eric Helms

@dawn16 I think the current url is sci-hub.tw, but you can always double-check what's currently being used on the Wikipedia page. You paste the URL or DOI, maybe do a captcha, and it usually gives you the PDF. Apparently it uses leaked/donated/bought accounts?
@dawn16 He is claiming that not only is there lacking evidence for birth control causing fat gain but that one study found the opposite. He never claimed it was significant. The amount of weight loss doesn't matter. He is not claiming it causes weight loss. He is not trying to support an idea that it causes weight loss. He is saying that the correlation between BC and weight gain is unsupported.

Also that was one sentence out of the 20+ pages he has just on weight changes associated with birth control. It is nowhere near his full argument.
@great_depression I’m sorry, I was looking at the study itself. Not how the author of the book used the study. Although usually to use a study, you’d want it to have significant results one way or another.
@dawn16 The study link actually does say the results were statistically significant. While the change wasn’t very much in numbers, it is highly likely due to the birth control.

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