Will I lose/ burn fat if I…

@seeker204 Trust me I know about my severe lack in weight 😮‍💨. In 8th grade my weight goal was 150 and I lastly weighed in at 137-139, now I’m a junior below 150, with a personal weight goal of 165. I just don’t eat man, although I try. I’ll say these past two weeks I’ve been doing somewhat better at eating more of what’s made, but it’s not enough. I eat apples, oranges, and bananas too, but I’m still small fry 😂
@wellandfit Here is what I will tell you.

You need to burn more calories than you eat. That’s the key. BUT- you need to go slow and do it sustainably. A lot of people move too fast and crash. Don’t do that.
@emmanuel1p By getting in the right amount of protein, cutting out calorically dense foods that have little nutrients, staying hydrated, getting good sleep, and following a proven exercise plan.

He may not have to loose any weight. He likely want to loose fat and replace it with muscle.
@wellandfit Imagine being in your 30s and a 17 year old kid is telling you to just stop eating junk food and do some crunches and pushups lol kid, metabolisms and genetics aren't universal. Diet is by far the most important aspect, read Longevity Diet and Outlive for comprehensive understanding.

Glad you're on here trying to help people though. When I was 17 I was in the army training for SF Selection. Running 10+ miles twice a week, in the gym twice a day 4 days a week, running 5 miles in the mountains every Sunday, playing full court basketball games with pro/semi pro/D1 starters on days when I couldn't get a 10 mile in due to weather.

It's easy to make statements when you're young. Stick with it, keep consistent, learn more about genetics and dieting, and you'll be a great resource to the people around you.
@wellandfit Oh, my bad. I read this as you were giving advice Iol. So read those books I referenced, Outlive then The Longevity Diet, and as long as you make some very serious diet modifications and remain active, your genes will do the rest.
@wellandfit Honestly there is a lot fine tuning that can be done but most people will lose weight if they do a moderate amount of exercise ( taking long walks would be enough imo) and just cutting out all of the junk food and not overeating
@wellandfit You’ll lose weight if you do all that.

What you need to do is calculate how many calories you require and go a few 100 cals under it to consistently lose weight.

Keep a high protein diet and stay consistent and in time, you’ll achieve your goals
@wellandfit at 17 youre still developing and a calorie deficit can be harmful for you. The best you can do at your age is workout with realistic goals, and eat with realistic goals. Incorporate more veggies, and know that weight exercises burn more calories than cardio. Do research and if you have the resources, talk to a nutritionist (or your doctor) about setting yourself up for success with your health goals. I wish you all the best!
@wellandfit Doing absurd amounts of crunches is a waste of time, do research on a proper workout routine (bodyweight if you don't have convenient access to the gym every day)

Also the specific type of candy/chips/soda doesn't matter, just cut out all that stuff and eat real food
  1. Yes, obviously not eating all that crap will lower your caloric intake.
2-4, No. Working out right before bed is typically a bad idea. Not only will it make it harder to sleep by pumping you full of adrenaline and stuff, but then you are going to bed sweaty and marinating in it all night which is gross. IF you want to do something before bed, do some full body stretches.

Also if you can do more than ~30 crunches you are wasting your time doing them further. You also can't bulk while burning fat, they are contradictory methods. Bulking means putting on weight so you can fuel muscle growth. First you build muscle, then you cut fat to reveal it.
@wellandfit It really depends on how much M&Ms, cheetos, lays, and rainbow sour strips you're eating currently.

20 pushups of your 145 pound body before bed aint going to do anything. 100 hundered crunches aint going to do much, and 40 seconds of jumping jacks is not going to anything noticeable. You could do all of this in less than 5 minutes, and you might have trouble getting to sleep if you're doing them right before bed, which might have an effect on your muscle repair.

Do you think working out for 5 minutes a day is going to make any major changes in your appearance?

However, I respect your desire to improve yourself. Do these exercises instead, explosive (fast on the way up) pushups 5 sets of 10-15, pull ups to failure 3 sets, slow pushups or pushups with 5 second holds at the bottom 4 sets, 8-10 30 yard sprints up hill, burpees for 60 seconds with 120 sec rest for 4 sets.