Will this work until I get more equipment?


New member
I’ve just started working about a month ago now and I can already see the ‘beginner gains’.
But I’m curious if what I’m even doing will work for the short term (3-4 months) until I can get more gym equipment as I work full time and am a father so I don’t have much time for an actual gym. If it matters, I’m 5’11 and weigh 195 with probably around 20-25%BF.

Currently I’m mainly working on my arms and I throw abs in there once a week and I don’t do legs because they are already jacked from my job. My routine is as follows:

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: 4 sets of 8 30Ibs curls, 4 sets of 5 chin ups/pull ups, 4 sets of 15 30Ibs overhead tricep extensions.

Wednesday: 3 sets of 25 sit ups, 4 sets of 25 crunches, 4 sets of 6 dragon flags, 4 sets of 20 20Ibs weighted Russian twists.

With this routine, I make sure I get at least 1g of protein per pound of body weight, and I intake about 3500-4000 calories a day.

So I’m curious if this routine will just maintain my ‘beginner gains’ or will I continue to build muscle at all until I’m in a spot to get more equipment? Planning on getting a row machine and a bench press station.

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