[ANNOUNCEMENT] Buddy Matching Is Now Open Until 1/25

@rustedspurs4 As a suggestion for next year, I'd like to get matched with someone with similar fitness levels to me, so I'd like an option to enter my weight, and a couple PRs (maybe squat 1 RM and 5k time trial).
@lightnthedark I'm super happy about this feature, because I'm 90% sure I'd otherwise end up being matched to my IRL best ladybro. She's great and all, but it kinda defeats the purpose
I've had the same issue a few times. I think with the whole "work out groups by city" thing we'll have a good chance of meeting a few new people and at least one will work out!
@lightnthedark I don't work out but I'd like to start and just don't know how. Would this be a good way to do that? I'd love to get matched with someone who can help me, but I feel like that is too one-sided for this kind of system.
@dawn16 You fill out your info, pick your top priorities of what you want in a fitness buddy, and we find you a fitness buddy who most closely matches those priorities.