[ANNOUNCEMENT] Buddy Matching Is Now Open Until 1/25

@rustedspurs4 Really excited for this! I'm a newbie (aka about to start working out this week) and I would love for someone to keep me accountable, haha. Thanks so much for doing this!! 😍😍
@rustedspurs4 Thank you! Question: is there a field in the survey for what corporate gym you have a membership with? I would love to find a lifting buddy, but I am limited to my corporate gym (luckily it has many locations in my area)
@rustedspurs4 Thanks for making this, I signed up. Hoping I filled out it alright. The section where amount of weight to lose I'm slightly worried about, because I'm 75% of the way to my goal, but I checked the category that would match my total loss goal, not the remainder I have left.
@rustedspurs4 Could this be used for people with more of a focus on eating? I'm not working out right now and don't plan on starting soon. But a buddy for keeping track with foods would be nice!
@rustedspurs4 I'm really, really new to this community, but I hope it's ok I signed up anyway. I want to get in shape and feel better about myself, but I'm really scared/overwhelmed and don't know where to start. :(

Edit: I guess I should have said that it might be a good idea to pair me off with someone who doesn't mind getting stuck with/mentoring a total newbie.
@ljsm Me too. But I don't mind if I'm buddied with someone who is at the level I eventually want to be at, so long as they are comfortable with a newb.
@ljsm Me too! Exactly the same - brand new to the community but very keen to be a buddy with someone new to fitness too :)
@rustedspurs4 May I suggest adding a preferred time of day for a workout field? I'm a SAHM, and I'm very limited to what time of day I can hit the gym as I am bound to the childminding hours.
@rustedspurs4 I really want to do this as I moved to a new state recently and don't have any friends. But my self depreciation is getting to me and making me feel like I'm too fat/out of shape for this and the person I get matched with won't like me :(