Work From Home Has Been Great For My Fitness!


New member
Back in March I posted some questions to this page about how to get started working out, I was considering what I needed to be able to do before spending money on a gym. At the time I had just started a new job in the city, and was considering if I'd get a membership to the gym at my work building or another one on my commute home to the suburbs. Well, 2 weeks after I started work, social distancing was put in effect because my city has a very high number of cases.
The transition was weird, but I took advice of setting a strict schedule. I work 8:30-5 with an hour lunch even at home. Little did i know that it would change my body!
I'm 23F, and never have been particularly strong or fit. Once we started WFH I was antsy to get out of the house, and I started going on bike rides with my mom during my lunch hour. BIKING IS SO FUN! I bring my portable speaker and blast some oldies or B-52's and tackle the hills of the suburbs. At the beginning of this, I was only going 5 miles in 45 minutes, hills were so bad I had to walk a bit up a particularly bad one, and once we were done I had terrible jelly legs that required me to "walk it out".

I was 129.9lbs in March/early April.

I discovered the Google Fit app, and I realized that I didn't need to get a fitbit or device to track my rides, it's very quick and easy to track with the Google Fit App. It shows me a map of my ride, milage, avg mph, calories burned, and movement minutes. AND it tracks my movement minutes in regards to the American Heart Association recommendations.

I've been consistently going for bike rides 3-4 days a work week for the past few months as "recess", I don't think of it as rigorous excercise. Even Google refers to what I'm doing as "movement" because "excercise " is pretty daunting to me.

The hills have become easier, I can do 7 or 9 miles in 45-52 minutes, and my mom and music have been right by my side the whole time. The jelly legs are no more! I didn't expect to become strong from biking.

But I also didn't anticipate that I'd lose 8lbs without even trying or realizing it.

I'm now 121.9lbs (yes i know its basically 122 but my goal is 115-117) and biking is something I look forward to every day.

For my mom, she says biking is the only excercise that doesn't hurt her bad knee. I mean if you think about running, you're slamming your entire bodyweight onto your joints. She used to limp a little after those initial rides in March, but now she only stops because we've run out of time and I have to get back to work.

I'm truly feeling beginner fit right now and sexy as hell. Too bad my hot girl summer is coming during a time where I definitely won't be meeting new people due to pandemic.
There's no way I would have become this active in Downtown Boston. Who wants to get sweaty in then get back into work clothes? Besides my commute is pretty lengthy. I miss coworkers, but I love my lunch bike rides so much. I might push to continue to work from home 3 days a week once they want people to return to the office.