@aladinjafar I never thought about using a cable system for hamstring curls!! I've been putting a dumbbell between my feet and I can really only manage so much with that setup. I have the full lat tower attachment for my Titan rack and I've only done lat stuff & cable rows. I also need a deadlift jack, didn't know I needed that until I looked it up. And YES to fractional plates. My god, there's no way I can go up 5lbs at a time with my tiny 2.5lb plates. I just got some fractional plates and I love being able to actually make progress and do prescribed weights in my program instead of rounding.
@hebahesh Love: Timer/Clock, Squat rack, barbell, DBs (8-50#) Pulley System on squat rack; pool noodles to pad barbell, versa grips for pulling movements- so versatile, so many things
Like: Ab Roller, hip thruster bench - less versatile, but hit the targeted muscles the best way.
Rarely Use: Resistance bands. You get popped in the eye time with those suckers and you'll never use them ever ever again.
@robertmichel73 Managed to have one smack my ass the other day trying to do a banded donkey kick and my husband was laughing so hard when it happened. Said it was like a slap stick routine
@jerryperry Ok so that's a funny one. Mine is less funny. Banded face pulls, at the peak of the pull back, it popped up right into both my eyes. I couldn't see. I went from "i'll work out this afternoon to "OMG I'll never be able to see again!!!" Required a trip to the emergency room, hyphema in both eyes, 2 months of bed rest to get rid of hyphemas, and $15,000 later I'm all healed up!
@robertmichel73 I'm sorry did you say FIFTEEN thousand?? Dollars??? Is this just standard healthcare costs (I'm assuming you're American)? I am so sorry that happened.
@lunamay Yes - that was the total cost of everything from all the bills from the emergency room, emergency room doc, medication supplied during emergency visit, medication for 2 months, plus all the subsequent eye doc visits for 4 months after that to monitor progress.
@hebahesh They have some thick cloth like ones that don’t snap on Amazon I love them. I stopped using my other ones cause they were rolling and pinching