Hey everyone! I'm Victor, 24 years old. For the past 7-8 years or so I've been extremely on and off with working out because I haven't seen any decent results. I've now not worked out for about 8 months now and I really wanna get back in but I feel like I've tried everything with little to no results. (even though I know i shouldnt say ive tried everything) along with only wanting to workout at home (I have some equipment at home like a bench, resistance bands, and weights) I prefer to have an app or have some solid diet and workout plan. I've tried joey swoll, centr, athleanx, a bunch of different things from the body building website, freeletics, and just hitting the gym in general. In terms of diets I can safely say I've experimented the best i could for so long with so many different diets. Has anyone tried an app or something of the sort that got good results who would be willing to share? Thank you so much.
P.s I'm skinny fat so I believe the goal is to build muscle in order to fix that. Thanks again!!
P.s I'm skinny fat so I believe the goal is to build muscle in order to fix that. Thanks again!!