Workout routine for my mother


New member
Hello! My family has recently purchased a gym machine (squat rack, cables, chest press and a smith machine that can also be leg press, only have small amount of dumbbells). My mother (53 y/o) hasn’t worked out in a long time so she’s basically starting from square 1. She has asked me to create a workout routine for her. Nothing specific just to increase general fitness. I’m a little unsure where to start as I am quite comfortable making my own routines however I don’t want to put too much strain on her as the most exercise she really gets is walking the dogs. She also has recently broken her ankle.

I’m just not sure where to start for a more mature beginner.
And I’m worried about further injuries so would machine exercises be the recommended? Any help is appreciated, thanks.
@greenwolf I was personal trainer for 10 years, and worked with many older clients (including my own 70 year old mother)

Meet her where she is at.

Start with body-weight. Squats to a box/bench.

Exercises that mimic life: deadlifts, geting up and down off the floor, suitcase carries, picking something up off the floor and putting it overheard

Training an older client is the same as training yourself, just slower, and lighter. She can work up to any of the movements you know or do, but it has to be worked up to over time.

Happy to answer more specific questions if you have, feel free to message me
@greenwolf If she has the flexibility to do a movement then there is no reason to not do it. Start with a full body program of around 10 exercises. Start with light weights 2-3 days a week. I am 62 and still lift hard and push myself.