Workout routine


New member
I'm 18 (gonna be 19 in a few days) and I'm a female. My height is 5'2 and my mass is 53 kgs. The thing is that lately even though I haven't been gaining much weight, I can feel some fat on my stomach, back and thighs. I haven't really been exercising but I really need to know how I can get rid of thigh fat fast (without toning the thing and calf muscles because in my personal opinion, I don't like it that way. I just want slim things and legs, not lean legs and thighs) along with reducing the extra fat on my stomach and my back. If possible, I would like to reduce the fat on my buttocks as well. Kindly suggest me how to start and what I should proceed with. Also tell if there should be any diet restrictions. Thank you. (P.s I'm not fat or someone who has too much fat. I'm just overconcious and maybe it's not too much but I still want to get slim thighs, legs, stomach, back and buttocks)

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