Workout routine


New member
I’m just curious is this a good work out routine for losing weight? I’m trying to lose my belly and my hips I’m 6”1 and I weigh 222 I’m also 26 and male. Any advice is welcome thank you!

45 to 90 seconds rest periods

Monday- Chest
Flat bench- 4x 12-15 reps
Incline bench- 4x 12-15 reps
Fly machine- 4x 12-15

Superset: 3 rounds
Push up - 3 x failure
Burpees 3 x 10
Sit ups 3x10

20 min of running

Tuesday- Legs

Squats- 4x 10 reps (65-70% of max when found)
Leg press machine- 4x 12-15 reps
Leg extensions 4x8 (moderate weight)
Abduction & adduction machine 3x10 both

15 sit ups
15 crunches
15 side to side

Wednesday - Back
Low rows/ cable rows downs 4x 12-15 reps
1. Rows 4x 12-15
2. Lat pull downs 3x10
3. Chainsaw rows 3x15 (light to moderate weight)
4. Bent over rows 4x8
Very end : Pull ups 4x 12-15
30 min of running

Thursday- Shoulders

military dumbell press 4x 12-15 reps
Lateral raises 4x 10 reps
Arnold dumbell press 4x 12-15 reps (20-25)lbs
Shrug shoulders 4x 12-15

15 sit ups
15 crunches
15 side to side

Friday- Arms

Preacher curls 4x10

Cheat bar 21’s- 2x 7 quarter, 7 half, 7 full

Superset— dumbbell curls 3x10 & lying down tricep extensions same reps

Tricep dips 3x10

Last superset:
Skullcrushers 2 x failure
Concentration curls 2 x failure

30 min of running
@starfruit You lose weight way more easily by eating less than from exercise itself.

As far as whether it's a good strength training or bodybuilding program for your training history. Are you at a point where you could just bench 3x a week, or do you actually need to do a bunch of different chest exercises done to such an intensity that it takes a whole week to recover, to get a novel stimulus? Etc
@starfruit Why is the leg day pretty much only quads and zero hamstrings or calves? If your only gonna do 1 leg day I'd say throw out leg extensions for leg curls at the very least and add some kind of Calf raise
@starfruit Also there is a good chance you can throw out the adductor machine. Vast majority of people get enough stimulus in their adductors from basic squats and leg press so you can probably get rid of those
@starfruit It's mostly OK, but if you need to ask if your workout routine is any good you shouldn't be making one up yourself.

Why did you decide to do this instead of following an already established program?
@dawn16 I didn’t make this one up myself, a guy I use to work with was a body builder and went to school for sports therapy and stuff but he is the one that made this I am just trying to figure out if it’s worth following or if I should try something else.