Would appreciate critiques on my current regimen


New member
  • Height: 5’1”
  • Starting weight: 138 lbs
  • Current weight: 131
  • Goal weight: 115?
I’ve been doing 1200 cals with at least 110-115 g protein per day. My main exercise is doing strength training with weights, while walking at least 15000 steps per day with my treadmill/desk combo.

Is this realistic? I’m not sure if 1200 cals is enough. Also most of my excess fat is in my belly, which makes it really difficult to see any progress. Do y’all think I should increase my cals to 1300 or more?

I’ll pat myself on the back for the strength training, though! I definitely feel stronger than when I started a month ago.
@ranuombe That sounds low to me if you're walking 15k steps a day! How does it make you feel though? Hungry, tired or weak?

Also can I ask what are your protein sources in a given day? 100-115g on a 1200 cal diet is definitely impressive!
@vmundine Definitely been feeling a little more tired as of late. But I’m wondering if that’s okay because I really want to get to my goal weight soon.

Protein: Kirkland protein bars, Kirkland chicken thighs or breasts, Quest protein bars, Turkey breast for my lunch sandwiches
@ranuombe I have been using walking desks for 14yrs, 8 hrs a day 5 days a week, no chair. Really it itself should not be making you tired. It sounds like you’re not eating enough or getting poor rest, rest tends to be highly underrated.

Really it’s about sustained health rather than crash caloric deficits for short periods. You can eat more and still lose weight. Go for quality, so not Kirkland. Eat as much vegetables as you like, really don’t need so much protein vs a well rounded diet. Without fiber/veggies your body won’t utilize all that protein well. Look into vega products for powders. I used to mountain run around the globe, swam 6.mi a week on top of the running, ate as much as I wanted of Whole Foods/not heavily processed without gaining weight. Enjoy good food rather than making it a chore, which equates to learning to cook well, again a lifelong health goal.

Simply put, long and slow tends to result in longer term results, but short burst of a diet like this can be ok…but your body can go into a survival mode/low energy, so just listen to your body.

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