Would you give me your thoughts on my (probably overly complicated) KB program?

@yuki213 To be fair, regarding exercises for “getting up” in this context, I think burpees are superior by far, especially with an added push-up, but I didn’t see OP mention those. It seemed he was considering TGU and I think it would be beneficial for him to incorporate them once or twice a week. Doesn’t even need to be heavy.

I’ll try to link and elaborate later, I have a toddler clinging to my leg and need to start dinner lol
@shkana Not a bad idea to include sprawls and burpees in the program, might add them to the push day...They're great for wrestling and bjj, too.
@yuki213 Hey thanks! Right now no progression, just waiting till the thing becomes so easy that I can switch a couple of exercises using the 28s rather than the 18s (for the Leg Lava Complex and swing workout mostly). I realize that's a weakness in itself.

I'll give The Giant a look but I'll take up your advice and switch to 5/5/5 for the pull-ups, totaling 75 per session. I suck at pull-ups/chin ups and my grip is always fried after that much swinging but that's something that'll improve with time I assume. I'll throw in a couple of push-ups in the push day, right now I do a lil set of 30 every now and then when I go to the bathroom haha.
@kennedy Oh my mistake, I misread your program and thought you were doing a total of 10 pull-ups. Your original volume of 50 seems excellent to me.

Maybe that can be a small way to introduce some progression?

week 1-2: 5/3/2 pull-ups

week 3-4: 5/4/3 pull-ups

week 5-6: 6/5/4 pull-ups

I do a lil set of 30 every now and then when I go to the bathroom haha

That's great lol