
@kimberdavis90 Not eating throughout the day can put your hunger hormones into overdrive making you want to eat anything in sight. Maybe starting out your day with a breakfast. It doesn’t have to be big just something that will give you sustained energy throughout the day so you don’t get ravenous at night.
@kimberdavis90 We've all been there! Eat more. I was working 12hr shifts of physical labour last year and doing the WOD in the gym in camp after work, and eating a metric shit ton (like, 3000cals) spread evenly throughout the day was the difference between half-assing it and spending half the workout lying on the floor "mobilizing" or lazily tripping over a rope for a couple sets of "doing skills work" before lying on the floor vs approaching the workout fueled and ready to crush it. (Obviously the exact # of calories required varies based on height, weight, possible weightloss or not goals, and activity level... but eating more can generally be helpful)
@kimberdavis90 I think your question needs to be “how can I live a healthier life” rather than “how can I train more?” Your body is wrecked because you are not fueling properly or taking care of yourself. 2x a week should not destroy you. Your body is begging you to do better.
Hi all, can update that I have increased the type and quality of food that I’m eating and I have significantly more energy in my day to day. Works still very full on, on my feet all day still. Sleep is better and I do notice some improvements in my workouts 🙅🏼‍♀️ thanks so much for all your tips!!