Yo! I’m doing a M/W/F full body workout regimen, wondering if it’s beneficial to get an extra chest session in on Sunday mornings?


New member
Getting a PHAT chest pump is a little hard for me because I’ve always had a super weak chest, but I’ve made a bit of progress. The thing is I’m only doing bench and I feel like I want to add in some dumbell presses and some lay down flys on sundays to get a fatter chest pump and encourage more growth.

Will this only hinder me?
@gangabarre111 There’s a strong genetic component to the amount of rest you need in between workouts, based on muscle recovery, antioxidant response, and protein synthesis.

So the answer is: it depends.
@gangabarre111 It really depends on whether it results in over-training.

it's impossible to tell, your chest workout 3 times a week might be absolute garbage or you might be absolutely exhausting yourself.

If you want to hit a particular muscle more often you're probably better off scrapping the m/w/f thing and doing a 4 day rotation or something like that since there aren't an even number of days in a week.

Otherwise you're hitting chest Sunday and Monday which is probably going to be hard (assuming your Monday workout is substantial).

Personally I'd either do the 4 day thing or adjust your full body workouts to hit the areas you are lacking more adequately & efficiently.
@gangabarre111 Add the extra chest day, and see what happens. If the fatigue isn't too bad, it might be just what you needed. If you are unable to manage your monday sesh after adding it, take it back out. MWF full body leaves a LOT of room to play, providing you are eating and sleeping enough.

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