Your body is someone else’s goal

@twallacejolly Yaaas girl!!! I’ll never forget the first time I said fuck it and wore a crop top to the gym. Huge leap for me, now it’s my favourite thing to wear! Who gives an f what other people think, you’re there for you!
@twallacejolly You’re so right! I feel like the world has really been adopting a wider variety of “goal” body shapes. Lemme preface and say I hate how body shapes can be ~trendy~ but historically there’s been “heroine chic” and “thicc” and whatever else.

My friends and I all like a different aesthetic and I love that that’s a thing. I wanna be a little more lean jacked and my good friend wants to be a lil more soft & curvy and were both supportive of each other.

I rock climb and a lot of gals are super lean and muscular and it’s taken me a while to be like fuck it. I don’t have visible abs and that’s nothing to be ashamed of. Hopefully I can help other gals be more comfortable in their skin too!
@twallacejolly I live in the country. I have one neighbor 1/4 mile south and another 1/4 mile east. The rest are miles away. I still have a little anxiety about wearing shorts and a sports bra out for a run. I started doing it last summer though, and it was fine.

I admire you for doing this in front of people.
@twallacejolly Great message. It makes me sad that so many women are uncomfortable in their bodies and feel like they don’t have the right to wear a bikini to the beach, or leggings, or a crop top or whatever they want to wear. We should all feel comfortable in the body we’re in.
@twallacejolly Love hope! I was thinking of her when I saw your title :D it is just such a good message. It really is a good way to be kind to yourself and kind of look at yourself like a friend would or remind you to treat yourself how you'd treat a friend. You wouldn't tell someone that their goal wasn't good enough, would you?? :)
@twallacejolly This is so empowering. Thank you for the reminder! I have spent countless hours in the gym and tracking my calories, etc. I opened up to a friend about my insecurities and she said exactly this to me: "Your body is the goal." My mind was blown. I've spent so much time forgetting that I already have what a lot of others are working toward. I still have personal goals for my own health and fitness, but this was an exact reminder not to be so damn hard on myself.
@faithful12 I’ve had body image issues since middle school and constantly hid behind baggy tee shirts and boys’ hoodies through high school. A couple years ago, when I had made great progress with my body image but was still self conscious of certain parts, I was at the gym when a girl approached me to tell me I was “amazing.” I don’t think I’ll ever forget it :)
@twallacejolly Being comfortable enough to workout in just a sports bra is a huge goal of mine. Congrats on getting there and your post made me smile. Thanks for the positivity!!
@twallacejolly I have noticed that. I was at 195 the day I had my second child (125 before kids). A couple months after having him I was at about 170. Im down to 145ish now. It still feels so far off from where I want to be, but i often see before/afters of people where I think they look good in their after pic and then i realize that their after pic is basically my build - theyre my height and approximate weight. Its easy to compare my body now to when i was 125, hadnt had an 11 pound baby or slipped disks in my back, and had all the time in the world to meal plan and workout. When i see before after pics of people i should remember that i should compare myself like that - to “my” before - a lady in her 180s with her abdomen split open from a second csection, and a toddler and a newborn that wont sleep for months, and retaining tons of water in my face and elseqhere and devoid of muscle. i may not be back to my 2015 self but ive come a long way from my march 2018 self. and i have two happy growing boys to show for it.