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    Do you take rest from gym the whole week when you’re sick?

    @blueskies88 The whole week. I'm not a big enough dickhead to go get everyone else sick cus I couldn't stay home a few days. Also the body needs all it's energy and resources to fight the illness. It's just gonna be the shittiest session and a waste of time and energy.
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    Need help losing weight! (Tips/advice)

    @morherof2 How often are you weighing yourself? Something that helped me was weighing myself every single day and looking at the overall pattern. Weight loss progress usually isn't linear, meaning the numbers don't usually go down, down, down. There are ebbs and flows. So if you're weighing...
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    Do my arms look abnormally small?

    @poolchick3 Your forearms look proportionate to the rest. But if you want to grow, grip training would help. Any grip implement and most back exercises will help. Also reverse curls. Just make sure to really grab the handles or bars hard.
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    Change split routine

    @stewy0042 You want more volume on those muscles throughout the week if you want to focus on them. Instead of pulling the arm exercises on the PPL, try adding a shoulders & Arms day instead. Push should include a tricep isolation exercise, Pull should include a bicep isolation exercise. Those...
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    Bed ridden after deadlift

    @elw80 You very likely just overdid it, especially considering it's a movement you're not used to. Deadlifts are hell on your nervous system. Any new stimulus like that leaves you extra sore, but deadlifts are particularly taxing. Do some stretching, both static and dynamic for your lower back...
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    Which plan is best?

    @flyinq Truthfully, you can do either. You'll probably see the most gains from the other guys program though. The best way to maximize potential in a program is to work a muscle 2 to 3 times a week. With a full body routine, 3 times a week, with rest days in between, you'll get that. It's a good...
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    Which plan is best?

    @flyinq I like your uncles program better. The exercise selection is better, although I'd say lat pulldowns and assisted pull ups are redundant, and I'd switch one of them to a cable row. The other guys routine has day 2 with lat pulldown and an elbow flaired row, which is also redundant. The...
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    Is this a good workout plan for creating v taper as well as overall good muscle mass?

    @rlaguisma This split is pretty bad in general. Especially that leg day. Find a routine online or hire a trainer, this is not it.
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    11-12 months in exercising barely any results…

    @kitsoni You can not gain weight without a caloric surplus. You can not lose weight without a caloric deficit. It's thermodynamics, and there's no real exceptions. If you think you're in a deficit, but you're not losing weight, buy a food scale and start tracking your intake. I guarantee...
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    AITH: Gym edition

    @okegold You could just ask him if he wants to work in. Or let him be an asshole and wait. I would have just finished my set and not said shit to him. Fuck that guy.
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    Learning how to build on an existing program?

    @bathanh The routine looks fine. Maybe more lower body volume if you want it. To be honest, I think it's best that any alterations you plan on doing to your trainers' programming be run through or planned by your trainer. That way they can keep an accurate eye on your progress and make sure you...
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    Lunges as a big guy

    @robertbelmes 🤚 yeah man, good luck.
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    Lunges as a big guy

    @robertbelmes Your best bet is to regress the movement until you're confident you've built up the strength (or lost enough weight) to do it. I would think step ups are a good place to start. Here's a link to the lunge progression. As your strength increases, when you can do 10 comfortably with...