Bed ridden after deadlift


New member
Good morning all! I have just gotten into CrossFit last Friday. Fridays workout was good and I was sore but the usual. However this Monday I had done 20 deadlifts with the weight of 115 , 2 wall walks, 18 deadlifts, 2 wall walks till you get to just two deadlifts then your done. I was the last person to complete the workout and I managed to muscle through the soreness and fatigue. Now I am regretting it because now I can’t even bend over at all and let alone barely put my shoes on. I feel it is muscle soreness but it’s just really tight. I don’t think I hurt myself but I don’t know.

I’m using this photo for reference.*RFkKft-gcIwkN0FCzfvKDg.png

I have pain in the thoracolumbar fascia, trapezius, and latissmus dorsi.

I rarely if not ever, have done deadlifts and completing this workout I have felt amazing for the rest of the day. However now it is Wednesday and it is still a complete hassle to even do anything. I am bed ridden.

Edit - it is Thursday, pain is bearable and I can walk around again without pain. Still tight when leaning over I think by tomorrow I will be good to go. I will keep you all posted.

Edit - it’s is Friday, pain is almost completely gone. I played basketball and had 0 pain while running, lunging and even jumping. I am back to my normal self. This post wasn’t to scare anyone from pushing there limits. It was because I feared I had pushed my limit and hurt myself. I found I am ok, I am still slightly sore but tomorrow the grind will continue.
@elw80 You very likely just overdid it, especially considering it's a movement you're not used to. Deadlifts are hell on your nervous system. Any new stimulus like that leaves you extra sore, but deadlifts are particularly taxing. Do some stretching, both static and dynamic for your lower back, some light bodyweight hinging to regain mobility, you'll be fine.
@elw80 That is most likely because stretching/foam rolling typically only provides temporary relief from muscle soreness. Most research suggests that it does not reduce soreness in the long run (despite popular belief!)
@elw80 Sounds like you pushed a little too hard too soon. Might not get all the way better but it should at least improve in a few days.

I’ve had deadlift sessions I could still feel a full week afterwards, but the pain lessens well before then.

I’m assuming that this is in fact just soreness as you say. If anything makes you think otherwise then look for some professional advice.
Just hit a deadlift max for myself at 375 for 1 Rep.
Last week my max was 365 for 1 Rep. I am currently able to listen to my body in matching my limits.
@elw80 Best cure for soreness is to do the lift again. From personal experience, just resting will just result in the soreness getting worse
@dch Best cure for soreness is stretching a movement. If OP keeps at it while being sore they're putting themselves at risk of an overuse injury.
What causes overuse injuries?

Muscles and tendons adapt to stress, that’s how they become stronger. But they also need to rest and rebuild between episodes of stress. Overuse injuries develop when a muscle, tendon, ligament, or bone is repeatedly stressed and never gets a chance to rest.

The muscles need to rest. Yes, you can exercise when sore but not OPs kind of sore.
@dch Definitely not fear mongering. I had to learn the hard way. I decided to "work through the pain" until I couldn't any longer and needed to go through physiotherapy due to 2 overuse injuries. These 2 injuries were caused by deadlifts. I was set back months

Doing a few sets of deadlift 2 days of more later isn't gonna injure them.

You're likely correct there but that's not what your original comment stated, which is below.

Best cure for soreness is to do the lift again. From personal experience, just resting will just result in the soreness getting worse
@simplyjonah It has been several days since they did crossfit, so yes my first comment does in fact take that in mind.

My link completely agrees with my original comment as well.
@dch Had taken a couple days off from this. I am by no means trying to ever prevent anyone from bettering themselves. I hurt myself, it wasn’t your typical soreness. I rested and tomorrow I start my routine again.