Learning how to build on an existing program?


New member
Hello! In the past 4 months I have been going to the gym strength training fairly regularly. I have been doing so with a Personal Trainer in a private gym with 1 on 1 sessions 3 days a week, and have been enjoying it.

I want to occasionally add a 4th extra day, but it may or may not be reliable so me and my trainer don't want to rely on it. What are some good exercises I could do that A: Wouldn't hamper progress in my main sessions, or some ideas? I am fairly dependent on the Personal Trainer right now so looking to build on that and become a bit more independent as time goes on for programming. I know there are a ton of guides in the FAQ but was kind of trying to figure out how to learn to make my own programming.

For reference, am a 30M, 6'2. Started my journey a year ago at 410ibs, today at 290ibs. Current goal is just to lose weight, and maintain/build what muscle I can. After getting to a better weight level, goal is to build strength primarily. Could always just do more cardio, but I don't enjoy it TBH.

I also do warmup sets before most (if not all) exercises

Day 1:

Warmup (Bird dogs, Plank, Wire Stretch's)

Bench Press, 5-8 reps, 3 working sets

Shoulder Press 8-12 reps, 3 working sets

Reverse Grip Lat Pull down 8-12 reps, 3 working sets

Lateral Raises 8-12 reps, 3 working sets

Day 2:

Warmup (Hip flexor stuff, Body Weight squats Assisted with bands and a 30s pause)

Barbell Squats, 8-10 reps, 3 working sets

Leg Press, 8 reps, 3 working sets

Romanian Deadlifts, 10 reps, 3 working sets

Hip Thrusts: 8 reps, 2 working sets

Day 3:

Warmup (Squat Walk, Y raises with a band)

Rack-pull, 8 reps, 3 working sets

Bench Press with pause at bottom, 5 reps, 3 working sets

Bent Over Rows 8-12 reps, 2 working sets

Hammer Curls, 12 reps + Tricep Extensions, 10 reps (Superset) 3 working sets

Farmers Walk, 2 sets 45s-1min (Left hand grip strength holds me back in a few exercises)

I think overall the programming is good, and works most of what I would want. Some exercises we did in the past but aren't in current programming, I thought about including were, Axe Chops, Incline Dumbbell press, Reverse Grip Bent Over Row and wide grip Lat pulldowns.

Is there a specific muscle group in this programming I am not hitting that I maybe should, or increase volume in an area? How do I know or learn what to add? If there were exercises you wanted to add to this routine, what would they be and why?
@bathanh The routine looks fine. Maybe more lower body volume if you want it. To be honest, I think it's best that any alterations you plan on doing to your trainers' programming be run through or planned by your trainer. That way they can keep an accurate eye on your progress and make sure you aren't adding anything that would interfere with your progress. Let them do their job.