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    Doctor said being vegan will kill me and if I wanna be healthy then I need to eat meat again :(

    @happywifehappylife Sorry but your doctor is spot on here. I actually died 27 years ago, soon after going vegan, and my restless spirit has been haunting the world wide web ever since.
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    Steroid Users Forever Have an Advantage

    @caleb_m Welp just as well that no one in crossfit juices then.
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    Baylee Rayl not competing in the 2024 CrossFit Games

    @jesusculture That's because he doesn't exist.
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    Baylee Rayl not competing in the 2024 CrossFit Games

    @endtimeservant777 Haha ‘fleshly desire’, these people are completely insane. Pretty sure the big guy up above isn’t too concerned with anyone’s ranking on the games leaderboard and possibly a little more invested in war, famine and the like.
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    Oceania - North America West - South America Semi-Finals Friday Discussion Thread

    @bands Certainly don’t seem to be bothering over in Brazil; some truly ludicrous physiques on display there.
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    Svetlana Veselova: “I’m Suing the CrossFit Games” - Veselova failed an in-competition drug test, received a 4-year sanction

    @grace4nan Sweet f-ing baby jesus, just took a look at her IG. Regardless of the rights & wrongs of this specific incident, that's the most blatantly egregious gear use I've seen in a long while. You almost have to admire the sheer temerity on display here.
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    2024 Semifinals - French Throwdown

    @shanelg94 Elite CrossFit and PEDs?
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    Am I doing too much?

    @paulw2647 All joking aside, if you’re wondering how elite athletes manage to consistently train like OP without falling to pieces then there’s your answer.
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    Fraser tortures fitness blogger

    @veritasinhabitum What on earth could possibly explain this?
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    What to do when hungry on a caloric deficit?

    @dcyshy If you’re purposely eating below maintenance calories in order to lose weight then you’re going to feel hungry at times; not much you can do about that really. With that said you can try snacking on stuff with minimal calories like celery and drink lots of water, tea , black coffee.
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    These bad dips need to stop

    @josephcamline As others have already pointed out, the real issue here is the excessive width of the bars. Doing dips in this fashion is a recipe for shoulder injuries; I’m wincing just looking at it.
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    Relationships and CrossFit

    @sherryanne Do whatever makes you happy, but if your training is in addition to regular work/college commitments don't be surprised if you end up single.
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    Madrid Championship

    @ispain Yeah this is so true. When even us folks who train this way have little interest in watching other people do the same thing, not quite sure how you've ever going to persuade the masses to take notice.