2024 Semifinals - French Throwdown


New member
European semifinal -

Day 1 -
(Chase Ingraham's Friday Kickoff Show)

Day 2 -
(full live stream)

Day 3 -
(full live stream)

Leaderboard - https://games.crossfit.com/leaderboard/semifinals/2024?semifinal=237&division=1&sort=0

10 men, 10 women and 8 team to qualify for the Games.

Individuals Events -​


Event 1 - 5 rounds for time of:
Time cap: 30 minutes

Men: 185 pounds

Women: 125 pounds


Event 2 - 5 rounds for time:
Time cap: 18 minutes

Men: 225 pounds

Women: 155 pounds

Event 3 - 7 rounds for time:
  • 10-calorie Echo bike
  • 1 legless rope climb
  • 10 box jump overs
  • 1 legless rope climb
Time cap: 16 minutes

Men: 30-inch box, 15-foot rope

Women: 24-inch box, 15-foot rope


Event 4 - For time:
  • 400-meter row
  • 96-foot handstand walk
  • 600-meter row
  • 120-foot handstand walk
  • 800-meter row
  • 72-foot handstand walk
Time cap: 13 minutes

Event 5 - For time:
  • 10 squat snatches by 2:00
  • 8 squat snatches by 4:00
  • 6 squat snatches by 6:00
  • 4 squat snatches by 8:00
  • 2 squat snatches by 11:00
Time cap: 11 minutes

Men: 185, 205, 225, 245, 265 pounds

Women: 135, 145, 155, 165, 175 pounds

Event 6 - For time:
  • 30/22-calorie Echo bike
  • 15 muscle-ups
  • 72-foot dumbbell walking lunge
Time cap: 6 minutes

Men: Two 100-pound dumbbells

Women: Two 70-pound dumbbells
Too early to tell, but what's up with Jonne Koski? He is not looking too good. Not sure if you can compare event 1 this year with event 5 last year, but he did better on that last year. Also Bron, not sure if he can make it this year.

Well done Gabriela Migala and Aimee Cringle for event 1 (there were also 1 and 2, just swapped their positions, for event 5 last year). Interesting to note that Jacqueline Dahlstrom finished 6th in view of the argument last year whether the treadmill used was faulty.
After 3 events, it's going to be tough for Jonne Koski to qualify. I'm assuming he must have some kind of injury after the Quarterfinals. Bron won't qualify, but I'm hoping to see a few new names at the Games - Colin Bosshard (that's a name to remember!), Harry Lightfoot, Aniol Ekai and Luka Vunjak. Victor Hoffer might struggle to qualify.
@giftsigns Man I am feeling really sorry for Jonne Koski, I was following him since open and rooting for him but half of the Semifinals are gone and looks pretty impossible right now. He would have to go like top 3 for the rest of the events and maybe a bit lucky with other people results
@giftsigns We’ll see after semifinals when we see overall scores for each region. Hopefully distances are equivalent across all semis (or close enough).
@giftsigns The YouTube comments are pure toxic garbage. Several people are talking about a heavier set woman (I guess) even tho she made semi-finals and I guarantee you that loser didn’t even make QF.
@giftsigns I’m struggling understanding the points system. How is it that after 3 events, Luka Vunjak is in 2nd with a 3rd, 2nd, and 35th while Luka Dukij is in 16th with a 4th, 34th, and 2nd?

Edit: never mind, they posted the scores for workout 3 but didn’t actually total the numbers or reshuffle them on the leaderboard yet.