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    Fitness Influencers

    @bravechrisitian No because I don’t follow or particularly respect a lot of them. I’m not interested in the soap opera and outside of a couple “influencers” I like I’m completely out of the fitness space loop. Even for those few content creators I don’t treat their word as bible anyway
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    What should I wear to the gym as a overweight man 5’9 270

    @e%CA%8Da%CA%80t%C9%A8%D5%BC Any active sneakers are fine in general. As a fellow fat guy I just wear whatever shirt and a shorts are comfortable and cover me up. Don’t worry, doesn’t matter
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    Why don’t I feel anything when doing RDL’s?

    @francislhevinn Can try taking them closer to failure, RDLs are notoriously under pushed. I also didn’t feel much from them for a while until I started actually taking them close to failure. Now just one hard set will wreck me. Here’s a recent hard set, this was 2 days ago and my glutes are...
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    Why am I still overweight even though I consume 1000 fewer calories daily?

    @dancibutterfly Did you go from 2500 down to 1500 after 2500 had been maintaining your weight? If so, for how long? What’s a while? Walking will help but it sounds like you’re not counting accurately
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    My arm just "turned off"

    @faithlife1 Lmaoo. It’s a part of every meathead’s life, I feel you. I would see a professional about it for sure
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    @neodakine Strongly advise against them but there are literally multiple large subreddits dedicated to peds lol
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    What are some good workouts for a man who’s overweight?

    @or19937 Calorie reduction will be more important, best workout is just whatever you enjoy. If you like Jogging on the treadmill keep at it. If you don’t and you’re just doing it because you think you should, try something else you’ll enjoy. Don’t force one workout over another because it’s...
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    5,3,1 or 8,6,4,2,1?

    @nhecu942 The answer is pretty much always to just try it. Sometimes “better” doesn’t even matter because anything can get stale if you’ve been doing it for too long. But your friend may be talking about the actual 5/3/1 system and not just the basic rep scheme to be done in one workout
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    I am 14 y/o and I have a question

    @crobads Any basic lifting will do, it won’t stunt your growth, and you won’t get hurt as long as you start off easy. Definitely keep going to the gym, you don’t have to do a lot and it doesn’t need to get in the way of your other sports or activities
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    Why are my glutes so flat standing up?

    @marcusvef Well the poses you mentioned are classic ones for good reason, like any pose they’re gonna make the target body part look better than it is. Girls sitting on the sink and taking an ass selfie is another classic one. Bodybuilders don’t show their biceps off on stage by turning around...
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    Almost no muscle gain in 3 years of lifting

    @justinebassowooa Calories are for sure not 2000 and protein is definitely way under. You’re not growing because you’re asking your body to build something and then refusing to give it any raw materials. Eating enough protein is critical and since you’re not overweight, so is being in a calorie...
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    Is weight lifting ruining my physical endurance ?

    @jeffc1983 Weight lifting doesn’t make your endurance worse, the part where you rarely go for runs anymore is making your endurance worse