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    Quick and healthy recipes

    @marturian Yes to protein powder. At your current weight and low-ish body fat(i assume) it'll be harder to body recomp. Not impossible but hard. It'll be like trying to catch two rabbits at the same time. Not impossible but will need a lot of effort. You have to be really focused and dialed in...
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    Help the newbie, heheheheh

    @sonofthewest Read credible sources It's hard to measure progress if you only have one metric. Kung weight lang ang basis mo of success and failure then you're bound by the limitations of that metric. Tama yung #1. Weigh ins should always be done first thing in the morning after you go to the...
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    How to boost metabolism when you’re in your mid-twenties

    @michaellin Good. You're not supposed to subtract. Still trying to see where you're possibly making a wrong step Do you weigh your food? My fitness pal is horrible with tracking Filipino food. This is what 1500 calories look like for some people Breakfast 2 boiled eggs 50g kimchi Snack...
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    How to boost metabolism when you’re in your mid-twenties

    @michaellin Do you subtract your activity or calories burned? You didn't show what a full day of eating looks like.
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    Question on how heavy

    @bibleexploreriii Is this a barbell or machine movement?
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    How to boost metabolism when you’re in your mid-twenties

    @michaellin If you're not losing weight then your calorie tracking is severely off or your technical execution might be wrong. How do you exactly make sure that you're eating what you say you are. If you have enough energy to do those workouts I can almost guarantee you're eating more than...
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    I thought I’m doing it right

    @haydenbehm You need to keep your priorities in mind. You can do both but your training and nutrition needs to be on point. If you can consistently give 80-100% then it's possible. If not then you have to choose which one is a bigger priority and then maintain either the lost weight or the...
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    How to benchpress heavier?

    @ehveesmom Do a form check sa discord or look up bench press videos na hindi tiktok bullshit. It can also be protein intake and nutrition. Can't say because there's very little useful detail sa post mo.
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    I thought I’m doing it right

    @haydenbehm If you're trying to build muscle it has to come from somewhere.. Large deficits and building muscle don't mix well together. Being on maintenance by definition means it's just enough to sustain what you have. Going on a deficit by definition means you're losing. Go on a very low...
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    Olympic Weightlifting Nood Program

    @baytrum Odd that you say too much na ang educational OLY channels but don't have a single program. I'd check if the pages you follow are actually oly educational Channels. Anyway JTS, Zack Telander, Clarence kenndy(patreon highly suggested) start with these and you'll see the other people...
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    Olympic Weightlifting Nood Program

    @baytrum Do you follow enough educational oly lift channels na?
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    [X-post from r/Ph] I'm planning on opening a GYM. How much are you willing to pay for monthly membership?

    @myjesus777 800 should be a good choice then. Maybe look into offering a visits type of set up as well. Maybe something like 16/32/64 visits that workout to be a little more(or less i dunno how you want to package it) expensive but last for 2/4/6 mos just so you can get them through the door...
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    [X-post from r/Ph] I'm planning on opening a GYM. How much are you willing to pay for monthly membership?

    @myjesus777 I think the price is reasonable but needs-specific din kasi ang market ngayon. Put your shoes in the mind of the kind of people you want to attract and walk through your gym and see if they'll have the equipment and tools that they need. If you plan to cater or pirate bakal gym...
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    Need opinion/critique on my planned 4-day split

    @maddog54e Most of your questions would be answered by either the Eric Helms or the Mike Isratel book. Conveniently they both have videos on YouTube for this. I'd go read/watch those first for a better idea of things. For a tldr of recommendations Check [Eric Helms recommendations ]()...
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    Powerlifter’s Blood Pressure

    @isabelle44 More than anything read this article specifically on this. Resistance training and blood pressure And Blood pressure causes,. prevention and treatment There will be a spike in blood pressure during and around training so if you're measuring close to training then there will be...
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    Anyone want to review and give some advices or changes in my split?

    @ready2thrive What's the program for? Anong goals nito?
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    Surge Eastwood

    @marynabil Tip for all gym seekers. Never pay a cent without seeing the gym. Remember the gym aims to make money, if they know you're willing to pay the same amount without having to spend more on equipment they certainly will.
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    AF Coach Sales Talk

    @parzival It’s just sales talk. He wants your money. Educate yourself by reading and studying para di ka mabudol. Just a quick search will show some of his claims as BS
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    Stuck on 25lbs dumbbell for incline chest press

    @isthaail13 If you're not progressing despite all of that then there's definitely something wrong with your program. It can be as simple as not resting long enough in between sets(please be longer than 2 mins) It can be as complex as your whole program not being able to provide enough...
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    Correct Progressive Overload and Training til Failure

    @promiseb This isn't progressive overload. Progressive overload is done week to week or training day to training day. Your body doesn't know how much it's lifting it just now the relative effort and intensity you're asking it to do. Increasing load from set to set often does nothing and if...