beginner fitness

  1. W

    Im going to planet fitness to start a workout routine

    So far I have warmup Squats w shoulder press Reverse lunges B stance rdl Gorilla rows Jump squats Sumo squat chest press Plank rows Plank shoulder taps Regular planks And cooldown Is this too much? Meant to say im 19f and trying to gain. Im at 95 lbs rn 😭
  2. L

    Is there a women’s section gym in Manchester?

    please if u know a gym with women’s section or only women’s gym in Manchester I would be grateful for it, I stopped going to the gym for this reason so if u know one with enough equipment I would be so thankful, cause most women’s section gyms don’t have decent let alone enough equipment just...
  3. N

    Can’t stop binging carbs after I’ve started heavier strength exercises?

    Title is pretty explanatory. (20yo/F/5’6/160lbs) I track my calories and macronutrients and I was trying to cut 300 calories but college has me stressed so I’m taking it easy by eating my maintenance calories. I’m not doing as much cardio because my asthma is reacting to the changing of seasons...
  4. A

    Tips needed for getting my kid into exercise when I can’t exercise myself!

    Bit of background: I’m 43 and used to be a yoga instructor, swimmer, runner. Got M.E. from Covid and now can’t exercise at all. I still meditate and occasionally stretch, but can’t do more physical exercise than a brisk 10 min walk on a good day. I am bedbound 50% of my life. It sucks but it is...
  5. W

    2 months to do 10 chin-ups/pullups possible?

    Hello, I have had it. I am inconsistent at the gym, lazy with my nutrition. If I had some discipline I know I could’ve been at my goal by now. I’m giving myself 2 months to do 5-10 pull-ups/chinups. I’m male 6’0 194 LBS I can just barely do a single chin up currently. Any tips? I was...
  6. Q

    Thoughts about Jason Blaha’s 5x5 routine?

    Have anyone here tried Jason Blaha’s 5x5 program, and what did you think about it... i’ve used it when K first started lifting and K thought it was aboslutely lovely! Here’s a link for anyone not knowing what this routine is...
  7. P

    Beginner at the gym

    Hi, I am 5,5 F and I’m the definition of to skinny. It’s hard for me to gain weight or muscle and I need help. Any tips or workout plans that can help.
  8. S

    Need feedback on my current routine

    I'll be honest and say I think I've been doing this routine for more than I should (for around 6 months, with minimal changes on some exercises). It's based on an online program and I've been adding more weight, set or reps this whole time but I'm unsure if it's any good. My main goal is to...
  9. E

    F the weights

    Hi There. I hope that heading got your attention. I love weight lifting and wanted advice from the Reddit fam. I have so many unorganized thoughts and emotions in my mind, I apologize if everything is unorganized. I am 30 YO male, 310 pounds guy currently sucking big time in life and dating...
  10. J

    Should I be lifting heavier weights or more volume to build muscle?

    I’m 22M looking to build muscle and loss some weight. I wouldn’t consider myself overweight but have a slight beer belly. I’ve been working out since October and haven’t seen a lot of muscle growth. My girlfriend said she can see a difference but I’m struggling too. Currently at the gym I...
  11. F

    Tips for losing weight without counting calories intensely

    Hello I am 18f 5’7” and about 160 pounds. I gained about ten pounds on campus and I’m trying to shave it off and keep it off going into this fall. My goal is to hit 135-140 by September. I have been going to the gym 3-5 days a week and have seen solid strength progress but not a lot of weight...
  12. S

    Beginning tips for a tall guy

    I read through the stuff on here, but just wondering if there are any tips for a tall guy on losing weight. I’m 35, 6’9” and around 450 pounds. I’ve been starting to try and walk once a day. I know about calorie cutting and such. I just have a very bad back and my knees aren’t that great...
  13. J

    Beginner routine question

    Hello! I'll try and keep it short and simple I want to start a fitness routine I want to lose fat, gain a bit of strength improve joint and flexibility problems and all round feel healthier and not be out of breath walking up stairs. I'm 31, male, I was pretty fit when I was younger and have...
  14. B

    Which is the better for cardio?

    I generally walk after lifting. Nearly 30 mins. I walk 8 incline and 6-7 km/h. There is another thing on my mind. Runnig 8-9 km/h with 0 incline. Is it good? Have you tried before?
  15. S

    Exercises you can do in bed?

    I live in a small room with a roommate and we’re looking for basic workouts we can do while watching tv from our twin beds! Lmk if y’all have any ideas lol
  16. C

    any insights on at home workouts?

    So i'm 20m weighing at about 185lbs at about 5'9" so the weight isn't too visible. last i checked i was 160lbs and i've been working out and watching my diet as well. now i'm not complaining about gaining weight i dont want to lose any weight i just want to turn fat into muscle but for the past...
  17. O

    Can I get enough protein of mainly protein powders?

    I’m a 17 year old who’s 6,4 and weighs 9 stone (or 126 pounds) and I’m skinny asf. I wanna get stronger so I don’t keep getting called lanky and weak but to get fit I need a high protein diet and I’m an extremely fussy eater. Whenever I try and find a good meal for growth in muscles they always...
  18. R

    I’m going from sedentary to active and I’m not sure how to gauge what amount of fatigue is normal.

    Hey everyone! 23F here and I’ve been trying to start exercising again. I’m 5’2” and 117lbs. I have no known health issues at the moment other than asthma, and I was diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency. I want to start exercising to improve my anxiety, OCD, and depression. I’ve been dealing with...
  19. W

    2000m row 7 minutes

    Hello, I’m pretty new to working out. Started in August and trying to just get my body healthy, but all I’ve really done is lost 30lbs (300lbs->270lbs). I was recently offered a dream job, but I have to complete a 2000m row in around 7 minutes for my weight. I’ve never rowed before, but...
  20. A

    Looking to "put it all together"

    I have been making it into the gym ~4 times per week for several months now, largely relying on programs offered through the Peloton app as a guide and feel at this point I generally understand the basics: Which muscle groups to work together, and basic moves for each. What I haven't really...