beginner fitness

  1. F

    Question on bicep volume

    I’ve been following this bicep routine for the last 8 months 3x/week and have seen pretty modest results. However I feel like I’m working harder but not smarter and that there’s a more optimal routine I could utilize, or that this is simply unnecessary high volume. - Incline Curls 3 x 12 -...
  2. D

    How To L SIT (DO THIS)

  3. D

    Why is higher weight fewer reps better?

    I’m just curious on thoughts and the facts on higher weight x lower reps vs lower weight higher reps? During the summer I was mostly running and not lifting as much. To get back into it I’ve been doing less weight and 8-10 reps on compound lifts. A lot of workouts call for 5 reps on compound...
  4. N

    Would love to hear some feedback to my routine!

    Le Moi: M32, 190cm (= 6ft 2in), 82kg (= 180 lbs) Intro BIKING 12.5 min, consisting of: 7 min Grade 5 3 min Grade 7 2.5 min Cooldown Training CHEST PRESS 20 reps x2 50 kg (= 110 lbs) 10 reps x2 57 kg (= 125 lbs) 10 reps x1 64 kg (= 140 lbs) VERTICAL ROW 15 reps x2...
  5. K

    what's your funny gym moment?

    hi guys! i'm 20/F. around 45-47kg and short. lately i've been struggling with grip on a pull up bar. my water fountain hands are not helping and i'm 151cm. god knows what i looked like in the cctv on my tippy toes and jumping to reach the campus gym pull up bar smh. but at least i managed almost...
  6. J

    Advice on glute/leg routine

    Sorry this is long!! I honestly don’t know what I’m doing when it comes to creating a workout plan for my goals, so I was wondering if anyone had any input for the glute routine I made! I feel like I’ve gotten so much contradictory advice and I’m not sure where to start. This is what I’ve put...
  7. L

    Stuck on which cable crossover machine to buy

    I have these two options I’m stuck on. Syedee ‎S-CC00 DONOW Cable Crossover The syedee is my favorite so far as it has the ability for the 2:1 and 1:1 cable option. But, the DONOW has been around longer and has more reviews/users. Please help.
  8. C

    I Tried the '75 Hard' Challenge and Here’s What Happened to My Body and Mind in 75 Days

    I wanted to share my journey through the 75 Hard Challenge, a mental toughness program created by Andy Frisella. It’s not just about fitness; it’s a transformative experience that demands discipline and consistency across various aspects of life. Here’s a quick rundown of the rules for those...
  9. A

    To eat or not to eat before working out in the morning?

    My husband and I work out before the kid wakes up around 5:30 / 6. Should we eat beforehand? I guess a subset to this question is: if we don’t eat before we work out, does the body pull energy from muscle or fat stores? I saw this one guy online (I know, lol, what a start to a sentence) who...
  10. J

    Tips and Suggestions for my routine

    Hi, I've been doing workout (mostly bodyweight) for quite some time, and now my body has been fairly strong and I need to modify my routine quite a bit. I'm going to share my proposed workout routine, and can you give me some tips or recommendations to make my routine more effective? I'm...
  11. E

    Morbidly obese where to start

    Title says it all mostly. I’m 34 6ft and weigh in the 370s to be frank I’ve e been lazy, I’ve developed diabetes, and honestly just existing is hard. I have a gym membership but it’s overwhelming when I walk in. Where do I start? Ideally I want to lose weight, I’m working on my diet and going...
  12. A

    Tips for getting leaner guys!

    Believe it or not, it all starts in the kitchen. You can’t outwork a bad diet. If you are in calorie surplus you will not lose weight, simple as that. So make deficit Use food which is high in volume and low in calories, for example; -chicken, lean meat a lot of veggies -watermelon, potato...
  13. T

    Workout Routine for Muscle Gain

    Hi guys, wanting some feedback on a workout split for muscle gain. I currently only having access to an adjustable bench, resistance bands, and some dumbells. I am 28 (M), I like to workout 4x a week and I live a generally active lifestyle through work, golf, rock climbing and I walk most days...
  14. M

    Need help losing weight! (Tips/advice)

    (23F) I've been eating on a calorie deficit. I've been walking/ using my elliptical everyday. And it seems like I've gained weight? Is that normal? I eat healthy. Whole grains, protien, fruit and vegetables. Low fat. Light everything. (Mayo, sour cream, ect.) I definitely HAVE been sticking to...
  15. R

    is fast metabolism really a myth?

    I realize a lot of people who claim they have a fast metabolism are really just not eating enough but is there really no such thing as a fast metabolism? I feel like some of us get away with eating more while not getting noticibly fat.
  16. A

    Im dead after 90 mins

    42 male. Very slim, 9 - 9.5 stone at 5' 8" Trying to work on shoulders, chest and arms. Im not sure how long I should be doing dumbells and resistance machines in the gym for? I started on dumbells, not going heavy to begin with. I went for 2 7kg bells and did a variety of routines with...
  17. C

    19 Y/o M - When to stop cutting and starting gaining muscle?

    I've been in a calorie deficit of around 400-500 calories for around 8 weeks now with the ultimate goal of losing body fat, and my week will usually consist of a variety of exercises including long walks, bodyweight circuit training, HIIT workouts, and runs. Over these 8 weeks, I have seen...
  18. E

    How is this PPL workout? Anything you'd add or remove?

    Push Day A Monday Low Incline Dumbbell Press 4 sets x 8-12 reps Flat Dumbbell Bench Press 4 sets x 10-15 reps Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 sets x 8-12 reps Lateral Raise 3 sets x 15-20 reps Triceps Kickback 2 sets x 15-20 reps Overhead Triceps Extension 2 sets x 10-15 reps Pull Day A Tuesday...
  19. H

    Can I maintain my breast size?

    I'm a girl and I want to start working out but I'm afraid of my cup size becoming smaller, though I know it'll happen regardless. If it helps, I'm a B-Cup, and I know hitting chest will increase pec size, but would I be able to return to B-Cups? I'm not sure if it's weird to talk about, but I'm...
  20. A

    Lost lamb in this world of routines. Please HALP!

    Hello folks, I am M22, 68 kgs/150 lbs., 175 cm. Working out (consistently at least), for me, has always been that one boss level that makes one quit the game entirely. I don't consider myself weak-willed in terms of exercise: used to play tennis all my teenage life, had considerable endurance...