bodyweight fitness

  1. C

    Hard plateau in pull-ups

    I have been working out for 15 months now and I have been around the same bodyweight. Stats (Height:6'1, weight: 185 lbs). Started at 1 pull-up and over the course of 7 months I got to 8 pull-ups. Initially I had two pull days where I did pull-ups to failure for 3-4 sets and was progressing...
  2. M

    It will happen, give it time! Noob bodybuilder here. :P

    Update: 26th Feb 2024 I am able to do 4 sets of 10 pushups now. Takes some effort at the end but still grinding. 3-4 sets of 7.5 kg dumbbells. I feel stronger and more active now. My posture has improved to a great extent. I feel more confident. ORIGINAL POST Hi you! If you are struggling...
  3. H

    Is 1 set x 80 reps bodyweight squat too much ?

    Hi, I am 36/M and I have been following Kboges' daily program for about 1 year already. And yesterday while I was working out, I did a 1 set X 80 reps body weight squat as finisher. Usually I do 1 set 60 max but this time I wanted to go for extra mile. But after the workout (I did it around...
  4. L

    Dragon Ball Z meets calisthenics + my full planche history

    I worked harder than I should have on this video but I've always had this dream of recreating the super saiyan 3 scene from Dragon Ball Z but with a twist. Instead of ascending in saiyan form, I ascend in planche progression! However, the planche has always been an extremely hard move for me to...
  5. P

    Training to do multiple high-rep sets without dropping reps

    Most of the posts I have seen on high-reps mainly focus on doing a high number of reps across one set. They often mention Greasing the Groove (GtG) and Fighter Pullup Program. GtG focuses on one set with essentially unlimited rests. The Fighter Pullup Program uses descending ladders. I'm...
  6. D

    BWF Primer Build-up Community Event: Day 10

    Welcome to Day 10 of the BWF Primer Build-up! (IF YOU ARE JUST JOINING US TODAY, CLICK HERE TO JUMP TO DAY 1!) Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 (Today!) Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 ---- Hey folks! Nick-E here. Today's Learning: How to do Deadbugs Here we...
  7. K

    Are my workouts effective?

    I train 4-5 times a week. I usually do 5 exercises for 3-4 sets and 10-15 reps each. For example on legs: 4 x 15 jump squats 3 x 15 glute bridge 3 x 15 single leg calf raises (15 reps per side) 3 x 1 min wall sit 3 x 15 donkey kick (15 reps per leg) Is this a good plan or am i undertraining...
  8. A

    Circus artist in full time Circus Bachelor program, progress video and AMA!

    Hello! Im an acrobat/dancer/circus artist in training at a school called Codarts Rotterdam in The Netherlands. I have always been quite interested in all the type of skills I can achieve with my body and been much into the bodyweight fitness world. Im quite happy about what i achieved this...
  9. B

    Every Push-Up Progression. THE Push Up Index

    I’ve spent the last month and well over 40 hours of my free time researching, compiling, filming, and creating what you see here today. This list shows more Push-Ups than any other like it AND gives ranking/context its difficulty. Here are the Links... Video, Excel Sheet Video - containing...
  10. M

    Recommended Routine COMPLETE demonstration video by FitnessFAQs

    I noticed there is no single comprehensive video demonstrating every warmup, skill and strength exercise for the Recommended Routine (RR). There is now. Recommended Routine Demo Video The bodyweight fitness community has been universally supportive of my work over the years and I figured I’d...
  11. S

    I designed a map with progression trees for most popular bodyweight exercises

    I created a map for beginners that encompass the majority of bodyweight and calisthenics movements that we see on this sub. It has around 110 exercises/movements with 5 starting points: Pull, Push, Core, Legs and Skills. Link to 4096x4096 image...
  12. I

    Sterling K. Brown Suggested Workout

    50 Jumping Jacks 40 Squats 30 Pushups 20 Butt Ups 10 Burpees 10 Pull-ups x3 times Hi, new here. Like many posts I’ve seen here, I’m also a dad and we’re about to have our second child. I want to replace my current workout, which isn’t flexible enough and takes me too much time, and wanted to...
  13. L

    [27M] I did the Recommended Routine for 3 months. Lost 8lbs. Regained my abs. Gained strength. Here is my post about the entire journey

    Hey everyone! So I gave the Recommended Routine a spin for 3 months and I am here to report my results! I’m 6’0. I weighed 172lbs and had a 33inch waist at the start of the program. I had gained a little bit of winter padding so I wasn’t fat, just a bit soft. I compiled the video footage...
  14. R

    Ideas For Training Back Lever Reverse Hyper?

    Hey all, I've decided for my next masochistic calisthenics goal, I'd like to master the back lever reverse hyperextension, demonstrated in this link: Based on the challenging leverage, plus the combination of isometric and dynamic work, I suspect it may be the hardest pure bodyweight exercise...
  15. P

    Coach Sommer Spoke To Dr. McGill About J-Curls This seemed relevant considering the recent talk of jefferson curls and their safety. Sommer seems to be saying if you follow GB's method of loading them (slowly and carefully?), they're kosher with McGill...
  16. R

    M 22, 4 months progress. From 130 lbs to 143 lbs

    Hey guys, just wanted to share my 4 month calisthenics progress/transformation photos. The left was taken mid-late October 2020. I was completely underweight and in what I would consider an unhealthy state. the right was taken February 12, 2021. I’m extremely happy with progress I’ve made and...
  17. P

    from 8 pull ups to 20 and also from 10 dips to 35 in 6 weeks

    hi i'm 16 years old 5'4 55kg (121 lbs) I did the 5RM pull ups program and i did the same with dips if you don't know what is it : I started the 14th april 2019 i could barely do 8 pull ups and 10 dips so I started the...
  18. B

    6'6 (202 cm) and almost 2 years progress

    So here I go. I wanted to share my progress a little while ago, not just for me but to encourage other tall guys like me to keep going on calisthenics. I started on November 2017, i could barely do 5 push-ups and one dip, my body felt too heavy even though I was so skinny (at that moment I...
  19. B

    Does anyone know of a good Calisthenics S&C program/author for complete noobs?

    Covid sucks. All I did for the last 1.5 years was train for strength and, now that I'm preparing to resume martial arts training, I'm completely unconditioned (and fat, because I kept eating like I was training 10+ hours a week). I did pack on some nice muscle and strength, tho, so at least I've...
  20. F

    [Progress] 2 years

    So admittedly this is about progress in general. Not all of it is bodyweight fitness. But its been a journey, and this has been a huge part of slowly rebuilding my self confidence. Two years ago, I was in the midst of my divorce. I was thin to begin with, but when this picture was taken, I...