bodyweight fitness

  1. R

    Body weight DOES translate to lifting gains

    I do 300 push ups, 300 squats and 150 pull ups a day. Today I decided to try some deadlifting for the first time in many months. Seriously haven’t touched a barbell in 4 months and even then it was squats not dl’s. Well I pulled 335 like cake so I said f it I’m going to 385. I pulled 385...
  2. R

    Back Training with Calisthenics: A Guide To Upper Body Pulling Strength

    Intro This guide will discuss how to use calisthenics to train the upper and mid-back muscles. We will primarily look at exercises to target the lats, mid-back, and scapula, as well as a few accessories with high carryover to pulling movements. A Common Mistake With Back Training In the...
  3. W

    How is it possible for a red-blooded human being to hold a plank for 8 HOURS?? Please enlighten me..

    I was reading this post and it says the world record for planks is 8 hours! It was achieved by a Chinese man who is a police officer. How is that possible to hold a plank for that long when even the fittest athletes can only hold a plank for 3-5 MINUTES? I have searched on YouTube and that is...
  4. K

    Is it possible for someone in my circumstances to get a pull-up bar...?

    So I've been researching pull-up bars for days now trying to find one which would be compatible with my circumstances. I live in a rental apartment, so screwing up a simple pull-up bar within a door frame isn't an option. And from what I've heard, the door frame itself (, ) makes it difficult to...
  5. P

    Super Bowl Bodyweight Push-ups and Pull-ups Challenge

    For those of you watching to Super Bowl, here's a fun (and difficult for me) challenge I did in 2018 and planning to do again this year: Pullups: one for each point in the game (7 pull-ups for a TD and 3 for a FG, e.g. if game ends 28-20, you'll end up doing 48 pull-ups) Pushups: Every time a...
  6. H

    How many pullups are enough in a workout

    Im doing Calimove's 8 weeks pull-up challenge (link). I started with a max of 8 reps, aiming to increase it to 15. My max with acceptable form was 10 a couple of weeks ago, after a deload week. Their workout C is a pyramid with increasing rest. Im doing it with 20s rest per rep (e.g. 5 reps...
  7. K

    3-Year Calisthenics Journey - Before and After - 6’8” 215lbs to 225lbs

    Before I start this post, I want to say this subreddit is amazing. Everything I’ve learned about calisthenics comes from religiously scouring r/bodyweightfitness and binge-watching FitnessFAQs, Antranik and CalisthenicsMovement on YouTube. June 24th, marked 3 years since I began training...
  8. C

    Daily full body -how important is variety?

    I have found success in utilizing daily full body workout consisting of 1 push,pull, and leg exercise 5-6 times a week (a la K Boges -check him out on YouTube) . Doing these short workouts has greatly improved my consistency - which has been the largest detriment pertaining to my fitness...
  9. S

    Cirque du Soleil acrobat Andrii Bondarenko's Instagram page, where he shares incredible bodyweight fitness feats

    I'm still trying to master my floor L-sit, and then I see this on Instagram: And I remember this from a few months ago: Or this: Or this: He posts this kind of stuff nearly every day, and it's helped keep me motivated to keep trying and push myself. There is sooooo much we can...
  10. N

    Keeping GainZ with swimming when hurt

    Learn from my mistake, don't skipprogression even if you are eager to progress. I took 2 deload week and 1 complete pause. Still hurt, got to take a few weeks off to let my tendon heal. I'm on a small cut right now and I would like to maintain my GainZ as much as possible. I was thinking very...
  11. S

    1 year Body transformation from skinny to less skinny :)

    Hi guys :) This is my first post on this sub, but I have been reading it regularly for advice on my own training. I just wanted to show you guys how I have progressed in the past year of exclusively bodyweight training. For reference: Before: 1.83m 71kg 16 years old...
  12. B

    My 10 Month Calisthenics journey!

    What's up everyone! I've want to share my new update on my Calisthenics transformation it's been around 4 months since I've last posted here! Time period: 10 months Training type : Calisthenics Cardio : Running, Swimming, Cycling, Box, HIIT and some circuit training as well Training...
  13. G

    Sunday Show Off + AMA Announcement: Daniel Vadnal of FitnessFAQs will be answering questions on December 21st!

    Before we begin the Sunday Show Off, we wanted to let you know there will be an AMA on December 21st for Daniel Vadnal of FitnessFAQs. If you do not know who he is, check out his YouTube videos here along with his website. He should be able to check in periodically throughout the day to answer...
  14. D

    Austin Dunham's "BodyWeight BodyBuilder 2.0" Programme Review - Big Thumbs Down

    Hi guys, I bought the programme a couple of weeks into our lockdown here in the UK as i was looking to have some sort of structured training programme outside of the gym. I paid the $60 odd for the programme after having seen several videos on YouTube and enjoying them (I still enjoy them and...
  15. S

    How bad can i expect the loose skin to be ?

    Everybody have this good tranformation i have one too but its exactly from opposite.Gonna be 20 soon iam young but iam still worried about my loose skin. Currently working out on loosing fat and my end goal is 80 kg or 175 pounds like i was, while right now iam at 286 pounds 184cm tall. Got...
  16. F

    We now have an official map for BWF parks near you. If you know of one, please add it!

    If you know of any park near you with equipment (pull up bar or anything), add it to the map! Link: Check out this Park-Locator Map to help you find places to workout! Edit: Due to vandalism of the map you can no longer edit the map yourselves (you fucking kids). So now you have to use a form...
  17. B

    Can I get an honest analysis/critique of my current calisthenics workout?

    The workout is as follows, a Frankenstein of the recommended routine as i’m now 2 years on. Sets and reps is where i’m currently at. There’s always slight modifications day-to-day. Superset 1: - 5 x 6-7 12lb vest pull/chin ups + 2-3 banded - 5 x 10 Bulgarian Sp.Squats w/ 60-80lb load Superset...
  18. R

    Update: 24 mos of bwf- - M/36/5’10

    24 mos progress update Wow, 24 months have flown by and I wanted to update the community that’s given me so much, so here it is. From left to right the first pic is from 5/24/20, right bottom photo is from 12/2020 and the middle is from Dec 2021 and the far right is from 05/22. BWF and the RR...
  19. G

    Sunday Show Off - The place to impress and be impressed

    As we await Brent and Kacy’s AMA today, let’s show off our progress! Whether you're flexing your sweet gains in a series of bathroom selfies, doing back levers like a boss, or planching on all the things, *this thread is for you to share with and inspire others!* Note that we aren’t limited to...
  20. T

    If you are tall or heavy don't lose hope - full planche at 202cm 102kg/6'7 225lbs and other feats by heavyweight calisthenics athletes

    Are you too tall or heavy to reach advanced calisthenics moves? The answer is not so obvious, I've found that some moves previously thought impossible past a certain height/weight have been achieved by giants, I'll share some examples. Based on some replies I got in the comments, I'll point...