bodyweight fitness

  1. G

    Proper Pull up form (retracting or depressing first?)

    Hi newbie here, I´m having a question regarding proper pull up form, do you a) first engage your lats and then retract the shoulder blades (e.g. ) b) or first retract your shoulders and then engage your lats (depress shoulders) ( e.g. ) I´m having a hard time with a) but retracting my...
  2. B

    Before and After pics after 4-5 Years of Calisthenics

    Someone requested a picture of before and After from my last post, so I decided to post a few pics Unfortunately I didn’t take any pics without my shirt when I first started training as I was really unhappy with my body, but I found one in a tank top and posted a few pics after 4-5 years of...
  3. M

    P.P.T during straddle and full planche

    Hey guys, I am training planche since 1 month and half and I currently have a 3 sec adv tuck (almost perfect form) and before moving to the staddle planche (even if takes like 6 months or more) I would like to learn the perfect form of it, so I started doing assisted straddle planche (with a...
  4. W

    Complete Reddit BW Fitness Routine w/ Video Links

    Here is a the complete /r/bodyweightfitness workout routine with point and click video linkage. Thanks to BrettMorningwood and Pethia from this post for their excellent work and outline of a complete routine. I just inserted the links into the image so you don't have to go back and forth. I...
  5. B

    1 month of arms, no rest days. Am I stupid?

    Context: I’m 18. 5’8 115-120lbs? (skinny) After not lifting for 6 months, I began exercising again. It’s been a month of bicep curls, hammer curls, pull ups, and chin ups. I work out everyday until failure. I work out at home, don’t go to gym. In the beginning, I had to do concentration curls...
  6. A

    24/M/5'11" 1 Year, 4 Months Progress from Calisthenics/Gymnastics

    Hi everyone! I posted a year and a bit ago on r/Fitness detailing the first year of my transformation. A few days after posting that I discovered calisthenics and body-weight exercises and it completely changed my life. I used to lift weights 5-6 days a week and also did Judo/Muay Thai at the...
  7. S

    Anyone else’s body responds better to 1-5 reps ranges?

    I started training with BWT 1.5 year ago mostly high reps basic movements (dips, pull ups, squats and variations of them). Did this for 6 months, got fairly good results and noob gains. Did a couple of months of weight training with hypertrophy ranges 6-15, gained some size but not wasn’t still...
  8. U

    I'm still Chris Brown and this is my 2-year progress post about bodyweight training and life!

    HEY! It's still me! TL;DR: May 25th, 2014, starting // 1 year progress, April 30th 2015 // 21-months of training, March 20th 16 // Another pic NSFW BUTT PICTURES BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT I DO: Flexin' with some honeys // MY BUTT. TODAY. Male, 27, 165lbs, ~12ish% bodyfat, 6 feet, vegetarian...
  9. R

    I worked out three times a week for 4 months. Here are my results. [Repost from r/fitness/]

    Youtube Video Edit: Just read that I'm allowed to post a video if it's in relation to the transformation, check it out! Hi Reddit! I shared my progress pictures with my family and friends yesterday. I also got nice comments on r/fitness/ that I thought to write about my fitness progress so far...
  10. B

    DIY Bench for Dragon Flags & Nordic Curls/GHR Guide

    This is a guide for anyone looking to make something like this! TL;DR video version of this post here So this is a SUPER easy project, and I don't expect it to take over an hour for someone to do. (Yes that means you have no excuse to not actually make this). The only tools that are needed are...
  11. W

    Female 5"2 24y/o Looking for a workout ideas

    So I've been trying to get into bodyweight training since January this year and I've tried GMB elements and Al Kavadlos's Get Strong work out book but I am really struggling to see some improvement in my strength. Particularly in my chin ups which is were I want to progress the most. I have been...
  12. J

    ON Jan. 8 2017 I could not even headstand, on Feb. 1 2017 I held a 25 second Handstand. Thanks to you guys at r/bodyweight!

    Just wanted to say thanks to this forum, and the wealth of information that lies within it. I've always been active, a gym rat, but recently I decided I was tired of not being able to do some of these cool bodyweight activities that a lot of people can do. So on January 8th, I decided to start...
  13. A

    We created an app for the Recommended Routine and we want to share it with the community

    Hi guys, TLDR My friend and I have made a Recommended Routine app. It helps us to stay focused during the workout and track our progress. We are sharing it with everyone for free. Android iOS Long Story A couple of years ago I saw a couple of calisthenics videos and fell in love with the...
  14. D

    BWF Primer Build-up Community Event: Day 9

    Welcome to Day 9 of the BWF Primer Build-up! (IF YOU ARE JUST JOINING US TODAY, CLICK HERE TO JUMP TO DAY 1!) Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 (Today!) Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 ----- Hey gang, Nick-E here! You're in the groove now so I won't bore you with...
  15. N

    I'm lost. Upper/Lower or Push/Pull/Legs

    Hi ! Sorry for my english, it's not my native language. I started the calisthenic in january and i have some results (i took some centimeters to measurements even if I always skinny fat... I take weight but muscle building is very low...) but I want to grow up my muscles faster. I began with...
  16. M

    A possible DIY solution for hanging gymnastics rings from a too-low ceiling

    Here is an idea I had the other day that I would love to run by this community. It should allow people to add an extra meter or so to the suspension of their gymnastic rings without needing a taller ceiling -- a "virtual meter" if you will... It is a DIY solution that should be relatively easy...
  17. J

    I did 10 pullups in a row on my 32nd birthday!

    Dear /r/bodyweightfitness, Last Friday was my 32nd birthday, and I gave myself the ability to do 10 pullups in a set! :) Lately, I've been frustrated that I'm not making any progress with my pullups. A common set of pullups looked like 7-4-1, or 6-3-2, or something like that. My absolute max...
  18. J

    rings mounted to cement ceiling

    Hi, It has been asked several times, but I cant really find out wether my situation would be safe to hang rings. So I'm planning to hang rings on these mounts...
  19. J

    I don’t know what I’m doing wrong

    I’ve been stuck in a loop it seems. I’m using an app to help with strength training and fitness overall and I feel like I’ve just been regressing. What my overall goal is is to build muscle and define my abs and it was working for a while. The workout I do is HIIT and usually it’s 20-30mins a...
  20. M

    Beginner wants to make progress in Body Weight Training and needs programming advice

    Hello everyone :) I (male, 24 y.o., 180 cm, 84 KG) would like to start body weight training. I did a few workouts already and educated myself on what to do as a beginner. Regarding working out, I read that as a beginner one should focus on the basics (Squats, Pull ups, Push Ups, Dips, Pike...