
  1. J

    Why can I all of a sudden do a strict pull-up?

    Hi, 36F here. I’ve been doing Crossfit for 6 months and personal training + gym for years before that. Could someone explain why all of a sudden last Monday I managed to pull myself up to the bar without a band? What changed between that time and my last pull-ups two days before where I needed...
  2. A

    What’s your Fran time?

    I’m 27, male, 195lbs, been training since 2021. Did Fran again recently. 5:22. Curious what other times we have in the sub.
  3. M

    Homegym Discord

    Hello! My name is Alex a.k.a "Brick" from the r/HomeGym Discord community. I reached out via mod mail and was approved to post here so first and foremost thank you to the extremely supportive mod team here. The help means the world to us. About three days ago one of our moderators wiped...
  4. E

    I’m mentally weak

    I (F29) started crossfit I think February 2023, initially I was going 2-3 times per week and then I decreased to 1x weekly due to different health issues, and also because I do other activities. I never did sport in my life until I started crossfit and I really liked it at the beginning. I...
  5. D

    I’m so tired of hearing “it’s not like they’re going to the games...”

    I dunno about you but I’m getting pretty damn tired of hearing people in person and on here saying dumb shit like “it doesn’t matter, it’s not like they’re going to the games” in reference to people cheating or not hitting movement standards etc. during the open workouts. BULLSHIT... If it...
  6. C

    Went to a Klokov seminar over the weekend. Here's review (x-post from /r/weightlifting)

    Beginning of this year, I heard of Beachside CrossFit hosting a weightlifting seminar with with former Russian weightlifter Dmitry Klokov and I jumped on the opportunity with the zero money I had. Being a college student rules! For those who have been under a rock and don’t know who Dmitry...
  7. L

    CSCS & USA-W L1, Should I get my CF L1? Should I intern in a box?

    Sup y'all! I'm wanting to get my foot in the door and try being a coach in a box. As the title says I have my CSCS, USA-W L1, B.S. in Exercise Phys. as well as 2 Strength and conditioning internships in power-5 D1 schools under my belt, though its been a little over a year since I've been in the...
  8. C

    7 Years Back To The Pull-UP

    I FINALLy got my strict pull-up back after 7 years. Background: I was CrossFit enthusiast and went to my local CrossFit gym 4-5x/week. I loved double-unders, deadlifts, Olympic lifting, and even scaled CrossFit competitions! And I had gained the strength to do strict pull-ups multiple times. I...
  9. M

    Where to watch ceremony for U.S?

    The ESPN lives just ended, where to watch ceremony?
  10. M

    I’m 17 y/o and have been in CrossFit for about 5 months and i want to compete

    How can i optimize training, and prep for the open? I would like to be able to qualify for regionals in
  11. K

    Remembering Weights

    Hey, yall. Sorry if this is silly, and for the novel. I started CrossFit at the end of May, and yesterday was my first using percentages. I also have a learning disability called dyscalculia, which makes numerology, number sense, and basic computations on the fly really hard. For example, I’ll...
  12. L

    8 years off

    I did crossfit from Jan 2014 to Nov 2016. I’m almost 35 years old and have been back at it for nearly a month. I’ve already lost 15lbs from keto/WODs but the cardio is getting me the most. I feel stronger than ever before but my cardio sucks and I want to puke after. Does anyone around my age...
  13. C

    FS: Brand New Nike Vapor 8" Flex Training Shorts (Grey & Black) (S/M/L/XL)

    Hi Fellow Crossfitters! So I overbought some Nike training shorts for my fellow gym members and I have a lot left. I bought these at the Nike store and they all come with tags. Receipts are all gone and getting all this Nike store credit is just nuts so I figured maybe the community might want...
  14. S

    Andrew Hiller Open Ban?

    Has anyone seen this? Do y’all know what’s going on?
  15. T

    Please Take My CrossFit Survey! I hope to collect data then create some graphs and infographics based on the info!

    I noted in the survey, but UB means Unbroken, and I think the other abbreviations in there are pretty universal. Please make sure that whatever numbers you put in for the gymnastics or weightlifting are "open standard"! (HSPU would only count if the surface your head touched was even with the...
  16. S

    Box Owner Question

    Real question for all the box owners. A) If you don’t pay your staff of coaches do think a free membership is sufficient payment for working for you. B) If you pay your staff whats the going hourly rate you pay them. C) If you don’t pay a “salary” why? A little context for years all the...
  17. J

    2020 CrossFit Games Finals Event 11: Sprint Sled Sprint

    Don't forget to join us on the r/crossfit discord for chats, weekly workouts, and more! Workouts Leaderboard How to watch Schedule Format Overview Your timezone not featured? Use this handy timezone converter to help find the time in your local Looking for easy reminders? I've made a 2020...
  18. M

    Feed me with your wiseness

    Hello everyone, I practice BMX in an amateur way. I really want to improve. Please crossfit gods, does anyone of you give me advice to physically improve for this sport?
  19. L

    Local Competitions are humbling

    This past weekend I did a female partner competition at a local gym. I always find them humbling because although I am always at the top of the whiteboard at my gym, I'm usually middle of the pack at these local competitions. In this case we came in 4th out of 9 teams - which fuels my fire to...
  20. M

    R.A.D shoes

    Are they good for squats and deadlifts as well as metcons? The sole looks to be thick but people at my box rave about them.