
  1. B

    Sara Sigmundsdóttir - Perseverance

    sorry if this has been posted already, I had a quick look and couldn't find anything. I think this is a great series on Sara, really worth watching! The video editing and quality is amazing, good work from FITAID, they also don't over-do the product placement it just feels authentic. There are...
  2. S

    One of my members just deadlifted the amount of weight she lost. 190lbs

    One of my members lost 190lbs over the past year and a half or so, Before and After: Imgur She just deadlifted that weight, and hit a new PR at 190LBS. I know her form breaks down and she lifts with her upper back, trust me, I cringed when I saw it as well, but this was a huge symbolic and...
  3. A

    Macros help

    Would like some help in macros. I’m super confused. As a woman we often under eat. However, I’m trying to gain muscle and lose fat. My current macros are 145 p 69 f 140 c ~1760 calories I had to stop CrossFit due to an injury. But I’m walking daily 45 min and doing functional split training...
  4. T

    2023 Open Goals - Met or Nah?

    As the title says, how are everyone's goals for the 2023 open going? I am falling short of mine. I set a goal of making the quarterfinals after my first open last year where I finished in the 69th percentile. I started doing crossfit during the final workout from the 2021 open and then...
  5. L

    More reps with lower weight, or less reps with higher weight?

    In todays WOD I did the "RX" (prescribed) weight for Power Snatch and Overhead Squats. I did it slower than others, but completed. The coach says I should do less weight and more reps. I would say my form would be rated a C. I certainly want to better my form, but I also like throwing weight...
  6. B


    any tips on getting under the bar on snatch and C&J quicker?... I seem to have a problem with squatting deep under the bar.
  7. J

    2023 r/crossfit Games Fantasy Results

    The Games are over, and we've crowned our CrossFit Games champions. The dust has settled a bit, and everyone is still buzzing over how things played out. However, the biggest championship of the weekend has yet to be announced! I'm talking of course about our own fantasy pick'em championship...
  8. M

    Overhead squats makes me so f**king angry

    First of all, sorry if my English is not perfect but it is not my main language. Really, I've slightly improved in all exercise since I've started doing Crossfit 6 months ago but the OHS... Jesus Christ.. not a little improvement. The thing is, since I've started doing crossfit I've also...
  9. P

    Help me with tips of how to actually get out of bed and make it to CrossFit! 😣

    31F. Exactly what the title says, I have the hardest time waking up from a dead sleep! I never regret going to a class and I always feel better when I do. I just cannot get myself to get up! My goal is Tues-Fri from 7am-8am. I can do really well one week and completely fall off the wagon the...
  10. S

    Murph preperation

    Edit: Thanks all for the tips. I’m planning the following: Baseline: Check for max reps in 1 set after a short warming up L Every day: - 10 sets of 5 push ups (divided during the day no specific rest time in between) Every time when I go to the gym: - 5 sets of 5 strict pull ups Once a week...
  11. T

    How do you know when not to do a second crossfit workout in the same day?

    A. You feel tired. B. There is pain in at least one shoulder and one knee C. You are getting behind in other responsibilities (work, school, family . . .) D. All of the above. Ok, I had to write this post so that I can tell myself that it is okay to live to fight another day.
  12. E

    First Ever Open

    About 9 months into CF. Come from a weight lifting back ground. 325 Bench, 505 DL, 485 Squat. 28 M/5’11”/230 LBs. I literally figured out how to do 10ish DU unbroken last week. Decided to give 24.2 a go RX and I managed 4 RDs + 25. I spent FOREVER on the DU getting anywhere from 3-10 per...
  13. P

    How would you strategize this WOD?

    5 Burpees to start and at the top of every minute Then complete as many thrusters as possible until the minute is up and it’s a 100 thrusters. Theres no time cap. 😬😬😬😬😬😬 Edit to update all of you awesome humans: Thrusters are one my favorite CrossFit movements. I kept the reps under 12...
  14. N

    Just joined a CF gym and I’m confused

    I’m a 49 year-old woman brand new to CrossFit but I have been lifting weights for 30 years. I’m well-versed in the traditional style of lifting: working out specific body parts with moderate to heavy free weights, multiple sets, rest in between, etc. CrossFit workouts are new to me. They kick...
  15. I

    Ugh. Didn’t complete the scaled version and feel like a failure

    I scored 171pts. Mad I didn’t get the last 9 burpees. Body hurts more than I wish to admit. It rekt me. Knees are bruised. Chest is raspy now. Considering retrying on Monday if I feel better. Update: wow thank you everyone! I feel a lot better and appreciate you all.
  16. T

    Calling all Crossfitters who love Star Wars

    Hi r/Crossfit I don't know if many of you guys have heard of Crush Cancer, it's an event held by Dogtown Crossfit (in Los Angeles, CA) every year to raise money for Stand Up to Cancer. The money we raise every year is put towards research for a cure for cancer. This year for my fundraising...
  17. P

    The Gains Lab a quick check in

    Hi all, I have noticed a few threads about being difficult to reach. I'm a few days behind on emails. TLDR: We're in the midst of a very big upgrade to all of the programs to allow for increased individualization. We're expanding very very fast; I'm building a data collection and...
  18. B

    What do u have for breakfast

    For me i have 5 egg whites, one whole egg
  19. C

    How much weight should /can I put on in about 6 months?

    Background: I played football through early college and weighed about 185, then slowly dropped weight all the way down to 140. I got hurt so I got into running/ CrossFit , and through over training and under eating lost a lot of weight and body fat. Now I realize I need to put some weight back...
  20. H

    CrossFit Performance Insights: Exploring Athlete Characteristics and Quarterfinal WOD Results

    The analysis was conducted on the results of the 2023 men's quarterfinals, as published on's leaderboard. Webscraping techniques were employed to gather the data, with a total of 7556 participants; however, only 827 were analyzed. These were the ones who managed to complete all the...