female fitness

  1. E

    Made the most AMAZING protein pancakes yesterday!

    Recipe: 1 mashed banana 1/4 cup of oats 1 egg 1 scoop chocolate ON protein powder 1 TBSP butter 2 TBSP peanut butter Blend banana, egg, oats and protein powder together. Butter a pan and cook pancakes like normal. Makes about 3 medium pancakes. Melt peanut butter in microwave for 30 second...
  2. M

    Julia Vins reminded me that women don't have to be tiny (crosspost from TrollX)

    ...instead they can look like they can wrestle bears! :D For those, like me, who previously hadn't heard of Julia before, she's an 18 year old Russian Powerlifter. And this is what her back looks like. She's a gal who has ignored her critics (some of which claim she's "ruining her body") over...
  3. R

    Ancient Roman Ladies wore booty shorts, had pink dumbbells, and were also athletes..

    I stumbled across the Roman "bikini girls" mosaic while looking for something else and thought this was really interesting so I'm sharing. :) The mosaic is from the Villa Romana del Casale in Sicily. More here and here. Apparently it depicts some old-time Roman ladies having an Olympics or...
  4. A

    [Question] Sudden elbow pain during reverse curls w/ E-Z bar . . . what gives?

    Exactly what the title says. Never had a problem with this before but the last two times I've done this exercise I've experienced pain in the inside of my left elbow. I watched myself in the mirror today to make sure I wasn't overcompensating on that side but my form looked exactly the same...
  5. K

    Running plan for 8.5mile run?

    Hey all. I’m not sure I’m asking in the right place but I’d love some advice. Can anyone suggest a running plan to build up the stamina for an 8.5 mile run at the start of June? Or suggest somewhere I could find some guidance on creating my own? I’m not a runner at all - I can run 5km in approx...
  6. A

    My first DEXA scan results with photos! [28F/5'2''/108 lbs/27.3% body fat]

    Hi everyone! I've always been curious about DEXA scans and finally got the chance to do one when the BodySpec truck came around. My results, with many photos (possibly NSFW?) are here for anyone who is curious. I haven't really seen DEXA results for women with my body type (I am short and...
  7. B

    in need of help! want to become QUADZILLA

    hi all! i'm struggling to see significant gains in my thighs/quads. i keep finding posts and comments about wanting to "grow glutes without growing legs" and how to not be quad-dominant, but i am the opposite currently. here is my complete weekly routine -- GZCLP (hello r/gzcl )with a lil twist...
  8. L

    Guys, how the F do I stop eating so much?!

    Hi guys. Ok. I am 5'8" and ~140 lbs. For the last 2 years I have been struggling a lot with my seemingly insatiable appetite, and my weight has been creeping up. I'm not unhappy with the way I look, but I don't want to gain any more and I am really disturbed by how often I think about food. I...
  9. M

    [DEXA] 5'6''/182lb (1.71m/83kg) & 30.9% Fat - I came a long way

    (Edit: 171cm is 5.6 feet, but 5 feet 7 inches. So.. I'm 5 feet 7 inches for all you americans out there. I hate your measurements. :D) I got myself a DEXA-scan today. I wanted to share with this sub not just because I love to read these and see results from others but also maybe because I'm a...
  10. J

    Dexa Body Fat % Results Table by Height and Weight

    I made this table to help people find DXA results in this subreddit easier. Let me know if I missed any! I rounded for categorizing posts and on some percentages. I made this account to post the table in case mods or any volunteers want to take it over and keep updating it in the future. If the...
  11. S

    Sports Bras w closures?

    I feel like sports bras were designed by someone without broad shoulders that’s never had to remove one while sweaty. In order to get the right size for my chest the rib elastic is generally almost too tight to get over my shoulders. (I’m a 34B, typically) Any recommendations for sports bras...
  12. J

    Dreaming about hiking this summer/fall (U.S.)

    It’s been icy where I’m at, so hiking has been tough. I can’t wait to get back in it! And with vaccines becoming more available, I’m planning a big trip with my BFF out west. Maybe a 4-5 day trip. I’d love to fly into one city (Salt Lake City?), rent an SUV, and hit up a different town/trail...
  13. T

    Will I always be absolutely destroyed after a workout until I’m out of the obese category?

    CW: 235 - at least -20lbs so far Height: 4’10 In the last 5 weeks I have entirely changed my eating habits. It is mostly roast vegetables. No rice/bread or meat/fish/protein in general. I have recently started adding lentils and beans, but it doesn’t seem like protein is very important at my...
  14. I

    Remember: You don't NEED Protein Powder (x-post /r/fitness)

    I've read a lot of new queue questions from beginners asking about routine and such. But one thing I've noticed in the new queue is a lot of people keep asking if they should buy protein powder and if its "healthy". I wanted to paste part of this article in here. I want to make it clear that...
  15. B

    What can I do when I’m young to keep healthy when I’m older?

    I’m 23 years old and started my fitness journey about 4 years ago as a runner. I was serious about running for about a year, until I got injured and had to lay off for a bit. Since then, I still run (although less mileage and am less hard on myself about it, I’m much better about listening to my...
  16. H

    How to do HIIT in 3 Steps (x-post from r/HIIT)

    How To Do HIIT In 3 Steps Hey all! I decided to write a simple how-to guide on /r/HIIT. This is a three step process to help you create your own workouts with the exercises listed below or any other exercises that you prefer. Please let me know if you have any questions. 1. Pick the...
  17. T

    My physique at various body fat %'s (32 / 5'4" / 127 lbs)

    Photos (4) DEXA scans + Physique: https://imgur.com/FQu0lj5 Detailed DEXA results from most recent scan @ 19.9% BF: Physique when sedentary: Intro 32 / 5'4" / 127 lbs. Skinny my entire life; fast metabolism. No sports background until adulthood (other than lifting weights, I play in a...
  18. S

    I made a r/xxfitness Search Engine that indexes ALL posts and Q&A megathreads

    I made a search engine that lets you search r/xxfitness with better results than Google or Reddit search. All posts are searchable including daily/weekly question and discussion posts. Link: r/xxfitness Search Engine I made this because a lot of great advice was buried in megathreads (ie...
  19. S

    I [F/26] successfully walked 100,000 steps in ONE day!

    (POST UPDATE) A lot of people have been asking about the route I took, here it is. This is a very approximate version of it. You'll notice that it only account for 29.4 km of my walk, so where's the other 47.24 km? In this map, I do not account for ~5.3 km (beginning of the walk that was from my...
  20. U

    What are your non scale goals for July/august?

    I posted the other day because I have trouble associating exercise with weight loss even unintentionally. I LOVED the responses so much it inspired me to write a list of fun goals to set for myself over the next few months. I thought it would be interesting to see if anyone else had any non...