female fitness

  1. S

    lifting programs that DEMAND you eat like it's your job?

    Hey all, Currently have been looking for a new program for hours and just need advice. My lifting has been relatively inconsistent for the past several months due to school and mild injury (on top of that i had covid for two weeks). I've been lifting for about a year. After some basic 5x5...
  2. K

    Tips for working out first thing in the morning?

    I just started a very intense masters program that has 12 non-stop hours working days, from mon-fri. For the past 3 years I’ve been consistently working out 5-6 days a week, for about 1-1.5 hours each day (I count is as 2 including commute and showering). Not only because I love it, but also...
  3. R

    Gym-ing for months but not improving weights?

    I’ve been going to the gym twice a week since October but not really seen any improvements, not even newbie gains! Hoping someone might be able to tell me why or give some advice..? For context I’m 24f, ~51kg, 5ft 4’, I go 2 times a week for 35-40mins per session. Each session consists of 5...
  4. H

    StrongLifts 5x5 3 days p/w, 5k run 3 days p/w?

    I lift and run on and off without any real routine and I was thinking about getting more serious about it. Would it matter if I try commit to a 5k run in between SL5x5 days? Would it be too ambitious, while trying to recover from 5x5 day? I'm a pretty average runner and I want to try get good at...
  5. L

    [NSV] I just ran a P.B. in my second ever Park Run

    OK, so my first one was a personal best too but this week was SO MUCH BETTER! I have literally just got in, haven't ever showered yet - just had to tell you all first :D My first run was 29.23, 5.52/km average and two lap over 6 minutes per kilometre. (My first ever 5k, not a park run, was 33...
  6. E

    starting out a 4-ish month plan to get fit, let me know what you think of it!

    I wish they’d let us post images so I could just show u the neat little notes but I guess I’ll just have to copy and paste it all and hope the formats good :( ——————— started dec 18 with: weight: 138ib, 5’4 78.5 cm waist (in the morning; night is 81cm) 25 cm bicep circumference of raised arm...
  7. R

    Squatting AtG is not necessarily better than parallel

    I wanted to bring this up because I don't think it is spoken about enough. Many people struggle with squatting too high due to mobility issues. But what I don't see very much discussion on, is squatting ass to grass. While it isn't going to injure you necessarily, it can definitely hinder your...
  8. R

    Hemp V Whey V Casein V Soy V Pea

    I’m trying to find a protein powder to use to lose weight combined with a diet and work out plan. I’m very new to this and so I’m asking for help. I would like something with the least amount of chemicals as possible. I’m reading hemp has a lot of fat but good in other areas, etc etc. This is...
  9. C

    Why is my squat better than my deadlift?

    I started lifting a month and a half ago so I’m still very new. I’m about 5’5 145lbs. My squat and my deadlift are both 120. I know usually you’re supposed to be able to lift more weight in deadlift than squat. I’ve been wanting to work work up to a plate for deadlift, but I can’t even lift it...
  10. M

    Friend(s) for LA FitExpo on Saturday 1/9?

    I'm visiting a friend in LA until the 10th and realized I could hit up the FitExpo while I'm there. Except my friend is very very uninterested in such an event. Anyone going who wouldn't mind a new friend for the day? I think I'd get pretty overwhelmed alone. My interests are primarily in...
  11. K

    Can't squat due to mobiliy issues, I'd like to ask some advice!

    Hello everyone! For the first time in ages, I've decided to actually follow a workout plan (P.H.U.L.). I have an issue though, I lack mobility in my hips and ankles. I've been working on them (doing dynamic stretches before workouts) and they seem getting better but still not good enough to...
  12. A

    Issues at the gym with 2 dudes

    I’ve been lifting for the last two months at a local gym. It’s the only gym in our area (within half an hour) that my insurance pays for. I cannot switch gyms and I cannot drive further than where I currently go because I go at night when my kids are asleep (5 & 1). My husband is home with them...
  13. C

    Getting super fatigued after personal training?

    A little over 6 weeks ago I joined a new gym that opened near me which has a ton of amenities including a huge array of equipment, multiple pools, hot tubs, saunas, and a ton of classes. In the past I’ve always done yoga and Pilates, so right now I’m doing 1-2 classes a day most days of the...
  14. T

    DEXA Results: 29F, 5'5", 126.1 lbs, 18.4% BF

    EDIT: I should clarify, I thought DEXA would put me around 15%. I didn't think I was actually 12-13%, nor did I want to be, but 15 seemed reasonable, and I was way off on that mark. EDIT 2: A kind Redditor below shared this chart, which handily addresses a lot of my angst - I appreciate this...
  15. I

    Youtube Dance Workouts

    Hey everyone! I checked and don’t think this is against the rules, but apologize if so! As some context, I never really loved working out until I started doing YouTube dance videos four years ago. I became pretty consistent, lost 40 pounds, and actually enjoy working out! I try to explore all...
  16. S

    Calling all multi-sport ladies

    Ok, so I do a lot of different sports, and then I do all the sub categories of sports within the sports. I really like moving. But I’ve always been in a bit of a conundrum on how to schedule training, so I thought I’d ask y’all. What does a weekly training schedule look like for you? I’m...
  17. A

    GIRLS WHO LIFT: What were your lift numbers after 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years lifting?

    I have seen this posted on a different sub, but mostly men answered. I was curious how fast everyone's progress has been? Please include height and weight.
  18. J

    Deadlift form check (115 lbs, 135 lbs)

    Hello! I'm getting back into lifting after a long hiatus and this time around want to really nail down my form from the start. Could I get some feedback on my deadlift form please? I do conventional deadlift and don't wear shoes since I only have thick-soled running shoes. I also use mixed grip...
  19. V

    Ok I finally got onboard with stretching..but now I need specific help!

    Ok so at the age of 34 I finally have acknowledged that stretching is necessary! I always neglected it and thought I never had enough time, didn't know what to do, etc. I found this video and it's been a game changer. 15 minutes? Nice. Easy moves. Super chill music. I absolutely love this video...
  20. A

    Squat form check please :)

    So... I've been strength training for more than a year but I've been more serious since last May. I've gotten quite good at hip thrusts and I'm working my way onto deadlifts (6 reps 55kgs for 3 sets this morning). But the one exercice I've been consciously avoiding is squats. I don't like...