female fitness

  1. R

    From runner to strength training - 9 month progress - 115lbs to 125 lbs (5"4)

    This is my first time doing this, so if I link anything wrong or I miss specific information, please let me know. I'll correct it immediately! NSFW Back View Front View Side View The first set of pictures were taken on February 18th of this year, first thing in the morning. The second set of...
  2. G

    I think someone took a video of me at the gym

    I just started hip thrusts on the connected cable machines (they look like this from above +-+) when a guy motioned to me if I was using the rowing bench across from me (far enough away that it was obvious I wasn’t using it), I hardly acknowledge and shake my head no as I’m counting my reps. He...
  3. O

    Critique my Routine? (M/W/F)

    EDIT: 5'5" & 120lbs ... my goal is to gain 5 - 10 pounds of muscle, increasing strength and muscle mass. I'm currently struggling to eat enough calories. I'm a grazer and find it difficult to eat a large meal before dinner. Took a booty progress pic this morning and my upper body is far too...
  4. G

    Why you should pay attention to your Menstrual Cycle as a woman - A breakdown of "The Women's Book Vol 1" by Lyle Mcdonald /w Eric Helms

    Originally posted in /r/naturalbodybuilding in case the intro is confusing There is a TL;DR section at the bottom. Introduction Admittedly, this thread may look different than my previous threads. This is a breakdown of some of the topics discussed in "The Women's Book Volume 1" By Lyle...
  5. A

    PSA: Costco has Reebok Yourflex Trainette 8.0 and squattypotties for 29.99

    Just a PSA, I got both today to try today. I saw that the both are highly rated and I've been needing them anyway. I'm gonna poop so well ya'll.
  6. B

    Squats: How far do you go down?

    I am an intermediate lifter who started lifting weights during COVID and love it. I thought I would hate leg day but it is my favorite part of my routine. I do a 4 day split (upper/lower). My question is this: How far do you go down on Squats? I heard ass to grass is for power lifters. I was...
  7. M

    A Powerlifter Has A Baby - My Pregnancy/Postpartum Story

    I’d like to share my experience so far going through pregnancy, birth and postpartum in the fitness sense—more specifically, as a powerlifter. I was so frustrated at the lack of content I found searching during pregnancy (thank you Meg Squats for leading the way!) Although I didn’t do the big 3...
  8. Z

    [PROGRESS] I was told I should x-post this here from /r/progresspics. 7 months of dirty bulking

    Here's February to September gains. I'm 5'8" and went from a twiggy 107 to a respectable 144lbs in 7 months. My leg pic gains are only from February to June since I haven't taken recent leg pics but there's a fair amount of progress in those four months. My legs have only gained maybe an inch...
  9. R

    What does 2000 calories look like to you?

    Hi! I’ve been reading a lot of posts where ladies are eating 1800-2000 cal/day, and I (seriously) don’t know what that would look like in terms of food intake. Over the past 15 days, I’ve averaged 1386 calories with 24.3 F, 114.3 C, and 138.6 P. My protein trended upward and is hovering...
  10. S

    Comprehensive lululemon Legging Guide for an Ex-Employee

    *from an Ex-Employee lol Given the light of all the recent legging reviews (thanks @lostandconfused90, @nathan98, and @sarahc59!), I thought I’d write a lululemon legging guide, as I used to work for the company as an Educator. Before beginning, I’d like to preface that in no way do I think...
  11. F

    Taller ladies with very long femurs - Does Squatting Ever Get Easier?

    I am relatively new to the gym and I’m working on being able to squat…period. For context, I’m 175 cm and my femur is deadass over 50 cm long, if you include all the way to my hip it’s basically two third of my height. After about two months I’m at least at a point where my first thought isn’t...
  12. P

    Vitamin supplements can blunt your strength gains

    If the danger, cost and questionable efficacy of supplements isn't a good enough reason for you to not take them, keep in mind that vitamin supplements have been shown to blunt strength gains FAQ: But those are rats! I'm not a rat! The 2011 study was with rats and the 2014 study had similar...
  13. S

    12 WEEK FITNESS CHALLENGE!!! *updated from previous with suggestions!!* GOOGLE FORM TRACKING! START: JAN 12

    Okay gals!!!!!!! THIS IS AN EDIT FROM MY EARLIER POST!! Fixed with your suggestions and the Google Doc should be editable now!!! SO I am serious about eating, working out, lifting heavy and losing weight. I'm really sick and tired of not looking how I want to look. SO it's time to change...
  14. S

    The weight loss study I participated in has finally been published! (Improved Diet, Exercise, And Lifestyle or, I.D.E.A.L.)

    Two years ago, I took part in a weight loss study at my local university, looking at the ideal dietary intake to lose weight and conserve/build muscle mass. For four months, I had to do cardio 7 days a week and weights 2 days a week. I also had to reduce my caloric intake to 810 Cal plus the...
  15. W

    Got up to 9 pull ups this morning

    (25F) Not my personal best, but my best so far this year. How did I get here? I started with 0 (zero) in august 2019. I got a pull up bar off Amazon and started doing negatives 5-6 days a week. I started with sets of 2 every time I walked through my door. Every week I re-evaluated where I was...
  16. M

    45yo female beginner wants to lose weight and get stronger

    I’m desperate for help after getting trapped in the Google vortex and hoping this group can offer advice. I’m 45yo/175lbs/5’9” that loves cardio and has a history of struggling w a consistent nutritious diet. Thanks to sloppy eating Im 15 pounds heavier than I should be. I typically run 1...
  17. W

    This morning my fellow lady lifters outnumbered the men 9 to 1 in the weight room... we're basically taking over

    So my university gym is a fairly big facility, with 2 main levels for free weights. One upper with all your dumbbells, machines, and a few power racks; and a lower dedicated 'lifting zone' with a ton more power racks, deadlift platforms, benches, more dumbbells, and barbells for all. And fairly...
  18. W

    [Race Report] Cowtown Half: I bled through my pants so you don’t have to

    Race information What? Cowtown Half Marathon When? February 24, 2019 How far? 13.1 miles Where? Fort Worth, Texas Finish time: 2:49 Goals Goal Description Completed? A Finish Yes B Finish < 3 hours Yes Splits Mile Time 1 11:49 2 11:58 3 12:05 4 12:08 5 12:29 6 12:22...
  19. L

    [CONVERSATION] Here's how to start if you are an absolute noob!

    TL;DR- Don't know how to start? Download the first three apps and GO! DISCLAIMER: this consolidated list is absolutely just my experience & opinion. I'm relatively fit, but also a piece of lazyass with the attention span of a hamster. A 1-2-3 write up like this would've gotten me consistent...
  20. Y

    [X-Post-rLoseIt] Down 18lbs in 4 weeks :)

    i know the transformations here are usually for strength + muscle rather than weight loss but i was a lurker on this subreddit for over a year and finally at a level where i feel i could start lifting and build a strong body like ive dreamed of seeing you ladies progress. thanks for the inspo...