female fitness

  1. S

    Barbell Overhead Press Form Check

    So, I love shoulder day (dat burn) but the OHP always frustrates me. I would totally appreciate some pointers or help, please! For set up, I keep my thumbs at my armpits for the distance on the bar, turn my hands so the bar is laying along my thumb crease, keep my elbows tight into my lats...
  2. C

    Very uplifting article I found about female strength training. Belief in yourself and your abilities is so important!!

    https://mennohenselmans.com/natural-muscular-potential-women/ ^There's the article. I recommend reading the whole article, because it's awesome, but here are some specific bullet points I want to share with you all: Women build just as much muscle protein after training and after meals as...
  3. A

    My arms are impossible... any advice?

    I've been working out since jan 2020 3 times or 4 times a week (as much as I can, I try to do it 4) and after a year an a half, I got good results! My muscles are toned and I like how I'm looking... but... my only problem are my arms? I do streng exercises, I lift weight and I focus a lot on...
  4. J

    Dexa scan results for me, a 5'6", 183 lb 35-year-old weightlifter. Spoilers: 39.1% body fat

    I've been frustrated lately because I just couldn't decide what my goals should be, so I got a dexa scan. I thought the results were interesting, so I'm sharing them with you all! (I made a new account for this because my old one has accumulated enough identifying information that I didn't...
  5. C

    How do you bounce back to fitness after a bad mental health day/week/month/year?

    Context: I'm ADHD, ASD, have C-PTSD, and dealing with grief (unexpected mom loss a year ago). I’ve always experienced brief lows, a few days here or there, sometimes the week before my period, but for the most part it was fairly manageable. Brief enough to know fitness loss was minimal and I...
  6. S

    Metabolic Resistance Training + 5/3/1 = overkill?

    Hi all 24(F) 5ft6, 145lbs. I recently joined a local gym that does group mrt classes. A typical week of classes is usually x1-2 upper body, x1-2 lower body, x1-2 cardio/core and x1 full body. I've been going 4 times a week, and try to get a good combo. I really love the classes and would like...
  7. B

    Mark Rippetoe thinks putting women in concentration camps is an "interesting take"

    I'm not sure if this post is allowed but I think ya'll should know who (not) to support. There's this IG profile @you.look.like.a.man that calls out sexist and mysogynic comments on women in sports and this terrifying thing has been posted yesterday: Screenshot Full post on IG Text: Comment...
  8. C

    I Was Fired from a Fitness Studio for Not Being Active Enough

    Hey there! I’ve been a lurker for a while here, and never felt moved to post until today. I think I just need some perspective. I used to work part time for a boutique fitness studio. I’d come in after my 9-5 job to work the front desk, fold towels, etc. I’d taken the classes a few times, but...
  9. U

    [Meet Report] USPA National Powerlifting Championships 2017 - July 7 2017 - 325kg/717lb @ 59kg/130lb | 367.09 Wilks | F26 | Raw

    This past weekend I did my third powerlifting meet, USPA National Championships in Las Vegas. I started powerlifting in early 2016 and did my first competition last August, second meet in April 2017. Background Female, 26 yo, 5'4", ~132lb I did martial arts (wushu) for most of my life (through...
  10. S

    Massage gun (e.g. Hypervolt and Theragun) owners - share your routines/favorites ways to use them!

    I finally bit the bullet on purchasing a Hypervolt/Hyperice after using it at my friend's place here and there over the years. Would love to hear how you use it/how often/where and how it's worked well for you. How do you use it to supplement foam rolling/stretching? Have you notice...
  11. S

    August #100abchallenge!

    I saw r/fanniepie's post yesterday and was one of the people chiming in that we would do one this month if only someone set it up. Well, I've decided to fight the imposter syndrome and set it up myself! I'm going to try really hard to make a new post each day with links to the daily video where...
  12. M

    Working out abs all at once OR between sets?

    I’ve been adding a 6-10 minute ab workout to the end of my lifting session, but I’m curious whether or not I could just do each movement between my sets? Any idea if this would increase or decrease the efficiency of the lift? Routine: plank, leg lifts, side plank L, side plank R, bicycle...
  13. I

    [52 F] Weighted Overhead Barbell Squats = Fall, go boom

    I'm 52F and just started lifting. I have been attending a group strength class 3x p/ week for the past six weeks. Total beginner. Today I was doing overhead squats with a 35# bar 8x 4 sets. On the last set, I pushed myself to go faster, and I fell over on the last rep. I landed on a rubber...
  14. S

    Four things I’m doing while the gym is closed:

    Just thought I’d share my thoughts here in case anyone finds it useful! I have been into weights for a long time and have accumulated a bunch of home workout equipment over the years, so I acknowledge that some of the items I’ve mentioned involve a good amount of money. I also live alone in a...
  15. J

    CrossFit or Oly Lifting? Lead me towards a path ladies!

    Hey y’all! I used to do a CrossFit style program several years ago at this point (like, 6 or 7) and haven’t lifted since but really miss it and feel very weak and out of shape. The unaffiliated gym I went to back then didn’t do any gymnastics but I do like the idea of pull ups/ muscle ups/...
  16. D

    I walked 100,000 Steps in 24 Hours!

    I actually completed this on April 8th and just never got around to making a post about it. Here's the proof: A few months ago, I saw a post on here where someone walked 100k steps in 24 hours. I didn't know it was possible to even walk that many steps in one day, so when I learned about...
  17. G

    OHP can S my D

    Ugh. I finished session 10 of SL this morning and finally stalled on my OHP at 60 pounds. I did three sets of 5 and the last two I squeeked out 4 reps. I feel like my form is okay but does anyone have a cue they use or any other tip that can help a girl out! I keep my abs tight and try to keep...
  18. I

    I can’t do push-ups

    Im a (26F) and been trying to do push-ups and every-time I do I struggle with form or pull a muscle and it makes me cry. It shouldn’t be this hard for me and then I feel like I’m doing girl push-ups wrong. Is their a secret? some people make them look so easy and fluid but I skip them because...
  19. M

    Problem setting my macros

    Ok here's the deal. I am 5'4", 130-135 (changes on a daily basis), 20 y.o. and I am in pretty good shape: I lost about 15-20 pounds of body fat over the past year and a half (with much help from you lovely ladies!) and now I'm training for the Tough Mudder, but I'm having a problem. I haven't...
  20. N

    Are any of you in the health/fitness field as a career?

    If so, what, and how’d you get there? I’m a 20 y/o F looking to take this path, but having a bit of confusion on where to start!