female fitness

  1. T

    How 6 months of rock climbing has changed my body

    Your history and goals I've always focused on cardio as my exercise of choice. I lost interest in running in spring of 2020 and haven't run since. I ended up with falling in love with rock climbing and have been climbing ever since. My goal is to be able to do 10 consecutive pull-ups. I could...
  2. H

    Feeling like I don't look like I workout

    Does anyone else feeling like this?! I started going to the gym in 2016 and have been going fairly consistently since then. Because of corona there was obviously a couple months where I wasn't going but I was still doing home workouts. I've been back in the gym for 2 months now and I go 6x a...
  3. G

    I missed noobie Tuesday or w/e it's called. Could someone help me understand this?

    Did I just make a fool of myself? Are all cable weights the same across machines? I ask this because today I went to use the front left machine to do cable crunches, and I set it to 30 lbs and it was too light. And then I set it to 40, 50, 60, and then 70 and it was still too light. Either I had...
  4. T

    How to respond to the "you look like a man" comments?

    Recently found out that extended family have been talking behind my back regarding my how I look now that I have lost weight and am putting on muscle. I should extend the caveat that I do not think I look like a man, while I have a ways to go before I reach my goals, I think I look good as...
  5. A

    nSuns Accessories

    Hey ladies! I'm currently running nSuns (6 day DL) and even though I've looked through the accessory threads and the Hypertrophy Hub it seems as though most people commenting on the thread are male and want to do a ridiculous amount of volume on their chest and biceps. I want a nice chest and...
  6. P

    [CONVERSATION] Creating a community workout music playlist!

    This is how it works. One person posts a genre, and then another person replies with their favourite workout song in that genre. Now with Spotify playlists! Punk/Ska Indie/Alt Rock Metal Rock Rap/RnB Electronic Pop
  7. C

    Frustrated after 6 months lifting weights

    Hi all! I just starting strength training about 6 months ago after been pretty sedentary for a few years (thanks covid). I've been following a strength programme laid out by my gym - kind of a group personal training situation. It's 3 times a week and I have been fairly consistent. I've been...
  8. E

    After Almost 2 years I admit defeat.. I don't know what to do anymore

    Hello everybody! Im 30(F), currently weighing: 60 -59 kg, height: 164 cm. Pear shape I have lost weight in a span of 4 years ( it was really sloooooow loss). However, I really hate my arms in and how they look, In year 2021 I dedicated workouts just for my arms but after almost two years I...
  9. R

    Progress post: my first intentional bulking/cutting cycle

    I've been debating for a while whether I should make this post because my results are not particularly impressive. But progress can look like this too, so I still want to share it. General information Bulk: Sept 2023 - middle of Feb 2024. Cut: middle of Feb - end of March. Stats: 27 y.o...
  10. P

    The 3 R’s of Habit Change: How To Start New Habits That Actually Stick (Applies To Fitness/Gym Habits) (X post from r/CareerSuccess)

    Here is a link to the original post r/CareerSuccess/OriginalPost with a link to the original article Transcript below: The 3 R’s of Habit Change: How To Start New Habits That Actually Stick Your life today is essentially the sum of your habits. How in shape or out of shape you are? A...
  11. H

    FML: Heavy lifting made me look like I was in liver failure

    TL;DR: “Strenous exercise” (ie lifting and extreme aerobic exercise) causes elevated LFTs and CK levels on lab work that makes it look like you’re in liver failure due to the break down of muscle protein. FML, I can’t do serious workouts now for a month… I hope this post is okay; I’m a nurse...
  12. C

    Day in the life of Ernestine Shepherd (77 y/I bodybuilder)

    This will keep you from working on your own fitness for 8 minutes (the time it takes to watch it).
  13. J

    Mini bike? Under-desk elliptical? Trying to get more activity in my day

    A year ago, I made the transition from a physically active job (constantly on the move, including walking 8-10+ miles), to a work from home sedentary desk job. It's been a huuuuuge adjustment to say the least. I also live in Canada and am currently dealing -20°C (-4°F) weather or colder...
  14. J

    Was it dangerous to bail out of my squat with my hair like this? (See image)

    I was squattin' some some beefy weights today in a small HIIT/Weightlifting class today. Well I had to bail on a back squat. No biggie, I've bailed a lot, but never at this particular gym. No one was behind me. I gave a verbal warning. It was loud and of course everyone had to stop what they...
  15. K

    RMR, Caliper, BIA, DEXA, Bod Pod Results: 26 F / 5'6" / 127.8 lbs / 8.9-12.3% BF

    As promised, my new results for the following tests: RMR - 1498 Kcal/day Caliper - 8.9% BIA - 9.27% DEXA - 12.2% Bod Pod - 12.3% Average - 10.6675% NSFW album that includes test results and body pics in underwear from the morning of the test I'm still shocked at the results...and they are...
  16. E

    What are some simple things you all do to improve your fitness?

    I’m just curious what you all have done that might seem really simple/obvious but have made noticeable differences in your fitness levels. I’ve started to get back into being active and am currently running 3x a week (almost done with the C to 5K program) and am loving the benefits I’ve noticed...
  17. L

    Is doing 30 min cardio 3-4 times a week enough to see improvements?

    I'm 22 and I've been quite sedentary most of my life. Now though I'm planning a 2 months trip this fall where there'll be a lot of walking involved together with some hiking and swimming. I'd like to get fitter by the end of September so to make the most out of my trip. What I've been doing...
  18. G

    Are classes like BodySculpt/"Just Weights" at the Y going to give me results? x-post from r/fitness

    Hi! I'm a 26/f looking to lose a little bit of fat and gain some lean muscle. I'm 5'8 and weigh 185 now and my goal is around 150, although this can and probably will be adjusted. I'm more focused on becoming smaller and more fit than what the scale says. That said, I'm not totally new to...
  19. E

    Programming that is creative/has variety and keeps you interested?

    Hi everyone! I have been into the gym in some way, shape or form for about 8-9 years, and I love weight lifting/CrossFit style training. I would say I am a higher end intermediate lifter - I am strong for my height and have been training for too long to see newbie gains anymore. I used to...
  20. V

    [CONVERSATION] New research says athletes who are cutting should consume ~1.8-2.7 g per kg a day to maintain fat-free mass

    http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25014731 Published July 11, 2014 in the European Journal of Sport Science. I didn't have time to read the full text but the abstract looks interesting and I'd thought I'd share. TL;DR: To maintain fat-free mass eat ~1.8-2.7g per kg a day of protein with a...