fitness after 30

  1. F

    Realizing I'm getting O-L-D

    So recently I've started experiencing some slight knee pain in my left knee. I haven't had a chance to see a doctor yet but was wondering... is this normal for us 30 somethings to start experiencing? I'm thinking the pain is mostly from overuse (I work 2 manual labor jobs, one on a Lumber Yard...
  2. G

    Why don't men hire health coaches as much as women?

    This is a generalization but I have data to back it up for my world. I run an online fitness and nutrition coaching business and we are about 80% women. I am a Dad and constantly talk about my own health so I figured I'd be attracting other Men/Dads but I am not. We have women sign up who are...
  3. W

    44 and showing progress

    I have been keeping a work out diary since 2008- when i was 36. Now, i don't track everything..i ski, skateboard, sometimes walk more than 16,000 steps at work, ride a bike..and generally have an active life...and hadn't tracked all this until last year when i got a fitbit and went all human 1.5...
  4. P

    3 x 3 workout

    Have you tried this workout? The article stated to do the reps non stop, but I find that I have to rest of a minute or so in between sets to catch my breath.
  5. 0

    Review: 12 weeks on nSuns 5-day program

    37/M, 6'0. Starting weight: 194 lbs. Ending weight: 204. I want to hit the 1,000-lb club by the end of this year. I did a nice cut throughout the spring/summer, and then kicked off a 12-week stint on the nSuns 5-day regimen. (Credit: /r/nSuns). Lifestyle factors: busy job and family at home. I...
  6. B

    Just got bloodwork back from the doctor, low sodium..

    So I'll give you the short version of the story. I've been suffering from headaches and periodic migraines. They have increased over the last 1-2 years, but more specifically within the past year. I work an IT job and have for 15 years. I'm 39, and have been working out since I was 31. I've...
  7. I

    What products work for you? Any suggestions

    I am 35 I am in good shape probably body fat around dunno 10/12 ? Not sure. I have been no cleaning duty last 2/3 months I had a family tragedy so I let loose for 1 month or more Right now I dont take any supplements maybe only some vitamins and I just started Total War pre workout? Budget is...
  8. F

    Can't seem to increase that squat 1rm? Pistols

    Started lifting in January, SL until March then 5/3/1 until september. Squat maxed out at 265 at the end of July. Next two 5/3/1 cycles, I failed at 270, though I could bang out 265. I really was aiming for that 1.5xBW squat (185/265=1.47). Just couldn't get it. I said fine, fuck it, and...
  9. M

    34M - multiple injuries and getting back on the wagon - 5/3/1 or 8/6/3?

    I've been training on and off for the last 7-8 years but never really consistently. In the autumn after about six months of actual consistent training I managed to get a 75kg OHP, 100kg Bench, 120kg squat and 145kg deadlift - my strongest ever. During a 1's' week I hurt my shoulder (seeing a...
  10. M

    My cardio is bad even tho I've been training for 2 years

    I've been doing combat sports for almost 2 years now, but my cardio doesn't seem to be improving much. After a boxing sparring session today, I found myself gassing out in less than 3 minutes. I've recently started running 3 days a week for 10-15 minutes in the early morning for the past 3...
  11. L

    Weekly workout structure

    I currently workout 6 days a week and each day focuses on an area e.g monday biceps tuesday legs Wednesday back ect Would i see better results if i did a daily mix so 1 back exercise 1 bicep exercise 1 leg exercise etc
  12. F

    Gym workout programs for those who can't do dead lifts?

    I posted a thread 2 days ago asking for recommendations for workout programs and the vast majority of recommendations centered on deadlift and squat exercises (i.e. Barbell Method, 5/3/1, Greyskull LP, etc) . I should have mentioned that the problem is I tore my anterior meniscus ligament on my...
  13. R

    Tips or resources on injury-free workout programs?

    I'm approaching 38 now, but honestly I've had issues with sports injuries for years now. I'm looking for an overall program/approach to maximize health and minize injuries, so I can become a fit-as-f*&k -50-year old, rather than someone who 'used to be fit'. I already had a personal trainer...
  14. B

    Looking for dumbbell recommendations

    Due to space constraints, I'm wondering if upgrading from my current crappy dumbbell set to one of the fast asjust dumbbells is a good or bad idea. Has anyone used one of these? Any websites to use or avoid? Have a better suggestion? I'm in Ottawa, Canada but can grab shipments from the US...
  15. D

    Fitness Programs? are they worth the price?

    Hey everyone! Hope everyone is doing well! I'm seeking some advice I'm 39 years old, Gym 4 days a week on evenings between 5pm - 7pm. I have some knowledge but I feel like I don't get much progress, I was thinking of trying a program to see if I can get some different results. My current...
  16. F

    Home gym routine for 39 y.o. F ?

    As a well-known fitness influencer at work, I was asked to suggest a simple fitness routine for a healthy, slightly obese 39-year-old female. The truth is that I'm actually an imposter, I lift weights, cycle to work, and run whenever I feel like it. So, I need your advice! She wants it to be...
  17. C

    Humble brag. Just wanted to tell someone that I quit drinking, quit smoking l, and quit marijuana for 30 days now

    Just like the post says. I don't really have anybody to tell and I don't really have anybody in my life that would care that much. But I'm super proud of myself and I just wanted to post up. I feel like a whole fog has been lifted out of my brain. I feel like I'm thinking quicker and have more...
  18. C

    How do you choose your supplement brand?

    There are so many different brands out there. How do people choose which one is "best" other than going with the one your favorite friendly influencer is pushing? I feel like is very similar to the pinned post about influencers trying to sell their secret to X, Y, Z. I'm curious though if...
  19. L

    ISO: My Health & Fitness BFFs

    I’m cross posting this across a few different places. Casting a wide net so I can hopefully catch something amazing. 39 y/o F, Black, Married, No Kids, 1 Dog, Full Time Employed, WFH I’ve had my peloton bike since 2018. I’ve gone up and down with the same 50 lbs since 2013. I’ve never really...
  20. N

    What does your warm up look like?

    Hurt my back during a workout this week and am second-guessing my warmup. I normally do a few practice sets of my first lift at increasing weight (e.g., 135x10, 155x7, 185x5). I was talking to my buddy that has been lifting longer than I have, and he does "active stretching", bands, and more for...