fitness after 30

  1. A

    Get in better shape without losing weight?

    Hi everyone, I’m new to taking fitness seriously. I’d like to build a little bit of muscle and not lose much weight in that process and I’m not sure where to start. F, age 32, 5’4” and about 110-115lbs. I’m naturally thin and what I’d call “skinny fat”- not much muscle there. I’d like to...
  2. N

    Consistently terrible F45 results

    So I’ve been going to F45 classes 5-6 times per week for the last 4-5 months. I’m F30, 5’4”. On November 15 2023 I got an InBody scan that showed I was: Total weight 171 pounds, dry lean mass 28.4 pounds, body fat mass 66.3, water in body 76.3, and percent body fat was 38.8% On March 14...
  3. R

    [~6 months of Progress] M/33/6'0" 205lbs to 192lbs x-post /r/fitness

    In hindsight I thought that this post might prove more relevant here rather than in /r/fitness Background Since my late teens, early twenties, I have always been fairly athletic. I started training in martial arts at the age of 20 and have been doing so ever since. During my hey-day I was in...
  4. N

    Is it 0.8g of protein per lb of body weight or 0.8g per lb of lean body weight?

    Which is the right amount for building muscle? For me I weight about 195 lbs with estimated 20% body fat so should I be eating around 156g or 125g protein/day?
  5. V

    Routine consern

    Hi there, fisrt time posting here, i hope you are all well. I am 29, well feed and healthy. 85kg I started a bulking period (the second one) with a new trainer. But i have doubts about the plan he laid out for me. Back and biceps day 1 - snatch grip deatdlift 4 x 6reps rpe 7 2 - lat...
  6. J

    Dumbbell or other exercises to strengthen wrists? F 35

    I (F 35) have recently taken up boxing in between workouts as cardio. I seem to get some pain sometimes around my wrists. Not always because I wear gloves. I know for a fact my wrists aren't particularly strong. I can't even rest on my left one. Any exercises that you might have done to...
  7. P

    Making a fitness plan for life

    I just turned 40(f) and I'm trying to create a realistic fitness plan that can last me into my 80s. Something that will have major positive support as I age and but that I can return to fairly quickly if I'm injured or ill. I wonder if any of you all have something similar and if there's...
  8. K

    How do y’all eat so much protein?

    I’m supposed to be at 135g a day, and I can’t seem to swing more than 75-80, and that takes work. Is it possible without protein powder? Or is that the go-to? Part of the challenge might be that I’m a vegetarian-leaning pescatarian, so that might be part of the challenge, but I really can’t...
  9. R

    L Carnitine and cardio

    Hey there! Been trying to lose weight and a friend of mine told me something funny about cardio. He told me when I do cardio for less than 45 minutes I'd be burning only glucose on my system, the excess if you may. After those 45 minutes my body would start burning fat. Also I read about L...
  10. G

    Workout routine for my mother

    Hello! My family has recently purchased a gym machine (squat rack, cables, chest press and a smith machine that can also be leg press, only have small amount of dumbbells). My mother (53 y/o) hasn’t worked out in a long time so she’s basically starting from square 1. She has asked me to create a...
  11. F

    Questions about Recovery

    I'm wondering what the general experience of folk here is for recovery times. Reason being, I'm caught between wondering whether my slow progress is (a) natural: this is how long progress takes (b) caused by not enough calories, (I'm in a slight surples though, and am putting on weight about...
  12. R

    Hit a lifetime fitness goal (34m, 6’ 205)

    I’ve been working out for years but got serious with COVID. As part of COVID I started into kettlebells. My experience with them has been awesome, and they’ve let me increase my fitness while keeping or increasing my powerlifting numbers. Early on In getting serious I set some goals, some of...
  13. T

    How to sleep for 8 hours?

    41M. I workout in the morning 6AM. I follow OMAD most days. My dinner is usually at 6.00PM. Followed by some TV until 8PM. By 8.30PM im in bed. I can't seem to be able to sleep for 7-8 hours. My naturally wake up after 5ish hours no matter what time I sleep. If I'm asleep by 9PM, I'll wake...
  14. K

    Thank You! It worked!

    Thanks to everyone for their advice on how to train legs. In the last two weeks I have trained legs 4 times. I have reduced the volume and increased the frequency. I have brought down the number of sets to 16 and have eliminated barbell squats from routine. I I’m mostly doing lunges, leg curls...
  15. M

    Do light workouts have benefit?

    The cool thing right now is to talk about how you only see a benefit if you are training your muscles to near failure when you lift weights, and how you should be progressing to heavier weights, more time under tension, etc. Well I travel a lot for work. I do a lot of workouts in small hotel...
  16. C

    The maze of apps and devices - Advice please?

    Hi all, 36F here, overweight and looking to find path back into fitness and goal weight. c. 10 years ago I was very fit - regular gym workouts, regular runs, good diet, etc but at the time I did not use any apps. I used a bit for strength exercises prep but that was it. Now...
  17. A

    Some tips for building muscle

    Hey reddit so ive been trying to build some muscle, ive been hearing in supposed to est fatty things to burn it so I can build and also to eat salads and stuff I'm just looking for some pointers on what to eat and some good exercises at the gym. Also side note is an Italian bmt at subway good...
  18. C

    Noob question about 4 vs 5 day splits

    Currently I’m doing a push pull 4 days split that has legs included in each day. I’m finding I’m getting gassed and was thinking of switching to a 5 day push pull legs routine, but I don’t think I can make it to the gym 5/7 days. Is it still worthwhile to switch to 5 days when it will most...
  19. J

    Help w Weightlifting

    Alright, (39M) and I’m 12 weeks in to Mike Matthew’s Bigger Leaner Stronger 5 day/wk lifting routine. I’ve previously done SL 5x5 and crossfit but really just been a glorified cardio bunny. Few things: how in the world are y’all getting 200g of protein a day? I’m eating three squares and a 3pm...
  20. B

    What are you eating during the week?

    I have been hitting the gym hard for 4-5 months but still struggling to look better. I know diet has a lot to do with it, so I’m trying to see what everyone is eating while at work. I currently eat about 1400-1700 calories a day. I am a 38m, 5’9 and about 167lbs I do snack on sweets a tiny bit...