fitness after 30

  1. L

    M/44/6'0" [175lbs to 190lbs to 185lbs] (4 years) New here, found this sub after getting a little frustrated with a couple of different subs where I could never get a post to actually post due to insane rules. Anyway, I...
  2. T

    First Post - Balance? Advice welcome :)

    First post: Balance? Advice welcome Hey Nutritioners - This is my first post here - so forgive me if I am missing the mark here. I have started #75Hard 7 days ago (going well) - I have done a meal plan, and I am prepping today. I will be sticking with the meal plan, likely through the course...
  3. K

    Program idea

    I’m 32, deploying with the military and looking to get back in shape. Right now I run 3 days a week, walk/core the other 3, mobility 15 mins everyday, off on Saturday besides walk/mobility Sunday: chest Flat and incline bench 4 sets of 8-10 Cable flys, dip 3 sets 8-10 Tri push down, Tri kick...
  4. L

    Can I Beat This...Alone? (Question about Exercise Induced Anxiety)

    Age: 33 Sex: Male Weight: 236 Height: 6'3'' Hey everyone - I just wanted to get some thoughts on exercise induced anxiety from those of you have maybe experienced it at some point or another. First, a little background to set up my question. Its been almost a year now that I discovered I...
  5. T

    Busy Dad, tired of feeling like shit. Asking for advice

    Hello, I’m 32, 6’1, 190lbs. I have a 2.5 y/o, and a 1.5 y/o. I work full time, and over the past few years my health has declined. I now work in sales, and while I mostly work from home, my work-life is very sedentary. I’ve gained probably 40lbs in two years, I’m always tired, and always have a...
  6. Y

    Question about G-Flux

    Here is a thought and I would love to see flaws if any in this thought process. Also please correct me if I'm wrong. So there is this concept of G-Flux: if you increase both your calorie intake, and your exercise to match those extra increased calories, and you will be better off because you...
  7. S

    Why can't I improve my situps?

    I'm 43. I run, bike, lift weights and am in overall great shape (e.g., ~70 pushups and ~20 pullups). But my situps have been stuck around 40, which is way below par for my overall fitness, and the number won't budge no matter how I train. (I know situps suck as an exercise, but I'm training for...
  8. D

    new to the gym and looking for a good starting PPL split but have no idea

    Hey everyone im new to the gym and want to build some muscle. I have no idea where to start regarding a PPL split as people all recommend different things. i used Chat GPT and it gave me this as an example. Would this be considered a good or a flawed split? Day 1: Push (Chest, Shoulders...
  9. P

    Lumbar back area fatiguing after recovery from lower back strain from incline bench p ress

    So a couple weeks ago I strained my lower back muscles because of incline bench press, today was the first time deadlifting after the incident and the area of my back that was strained fatigues very fast, any advice will be appreciated.
  10. B

    Bilateral Quadriceps Tendon Rupture - Has anyone done this and come back stronger?

    Hey guys, long time reader, haven't posted much though. A month ago I tore both quads when competing. Ironically I've coached other people through the rehab of this. My question to you is, do you know of any powerlifters/strength athletes other than Ken Cooper, who have had this injury and...
  11. O

    How to make fitness, mainly running, a long-term success in practice?

    25, not 30, but still have important questions about this stuff. Most advice and fitness subs delete my post bc it's "too long" or bc they're weirdly only for one small topic. So here goes: This is more of several related questions than just one. Seriously love the feel and benefits of running...
  12. C

    Can't lose weight on 1500 calorie diet

    I made a post in a different sub and people weren't very helpful I'll try again here. Male, almost 34 y/o, 167.5 lbs, 5'10" height, trying to lose my fat tire/love humps. I've been working out since Nov 2022, but not dieting for a full year. I was 170lbs when I started lifting, and was still at...
  13. B

    How soon after the big V were you back in the gym ?

    Getting the ol’ snip in 2 weeks. I’ve read that you’re not supposed to lift for a number of weeks. What did this look like for getting back on the bench ? Were you able to get back to isolation/ machine work, relatively fast ? When could you start with lifting free weights and squats ...
  14. O

    Looking for encouragement..

    Hi there! I'm currently a 35 y/o male weighing in at 299lbs working a sedentary job, but getting back into general fitness and strength training over the last month. I've been eating (tracked through MFP) 2,200 calories per day the last month which is below my BMR and around 500-1000...
  15. J

    Let's have a conversation about squatting, and ignorance

    After seeing some really ignorant comments from users on this post (OP by /@flipflops82 )I wanted to make a post. Firstly, your ignorant ideas about what is an is not a squat need to be checked at the door. There is no wrong way to squat provided it: Helps you get stronger Helps you stay...
  16. R

    My f*****g brain hurts!!

    Ok, so fairly new to the fitness game. For the first time in my life I have a desire to change my body as seemingly overnight I have gained weight, unsightly cellulite and clothes just don't look good on me. *solitary tear. People on here have given me great advice and I now know that I need to...
  17. J

    Workout Routine Help

    Hello. As the title states I’m hoping to get some help/clarity on my workout routine. I use to be in pretty decent shape, was seeing a personal trainer that helped me achieve that but besides how to do exercises and maintain good form, I didn’t take much away from writing and executing a workout...
  18. A

    A response to the "Keto is not good for you mentally post"

    Hi All, I wanted to write a response to the Keto is not a good idea mentally post by @iceteezz and I didn't want it to get buried in all of the other comments in that thread. This gist of that article is that a Keto diet is bad for you because it affects your gut biome in a negative way. The...
  19. M

    Struggling with eating … too many sweets

    Hello all I’ve done fitness throughout my life. Sometimes more. Sometimes less. I might have a bit of an alcohol problem - and have stopped drinking last year august. Solely focused on training (might have over trained). 38m. Started out with 104kg and dropped down to 95. But gained...
  20. J

    Weight progression in p/p/l routine

    Just started cocapidila (not sure of spelling..) P/p/l routine after over a year of 5x5. Won't miss the squatting every session.. 5x5 seemed to have a simple progression formula but I can't seem to find info on weight progreession for ppl. Still finding my feet for what weight feels right per...